Boxed Set: At the Billionaire’s Command – Vol. 1-3

Free Boxed Set: At the Billionaire’s Command – Vol. 1-3 by Lucy Jones

Book: Boxed Set: At the Billionaire’s Command – Vol. 1-3 by Lucy Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Jones
or three hours sleep, but before that, I was curious to see what advice Sarah had for me.
    From Sarah [email protected]
    Date Tuesday 24 July 2012 12:00
    To Julia [email protected]
    Subject Evidence
    My dear Julia,
    You’re asking me if you should get on the plane?
    The question is, which decision would you regret most? Leaving without being certain that this man loves you, with the risk of disappointment, rejection and suffering? Staying and missing out on a great love, or at least a thrilling adventure and definitely some sensual pleasures?
    It’s not about putting yourself in his place and trying to work out what he wants, what he’s thinking and what he’s feeling so you can adapt and conform to that. You only have to think about yourself and about what you feel.
    Whatever choice you make, it’s a gamble. But that’s what gives it its spice and makes things exciting.
    And you’ve already given me the answer. I can read between the lines. It’s obvious.
    You say that your Daniel is a man of action, who’s only capable of issuing orders when he wants something. The note with the plane ticket was no doubt a clumsy attempt to tell you that he wants you by his side.
    You say that your relationship with him is chaotic and unsettling and switches from one extreme to another. But do you really want a quiet, orderly, unexciting life, with hardly any excitement? In short a boring life? We cannot avoid suffering, so why miss out on pleasure…
    You say that you’re attracted, overwhelmed and sexually bewitched by this man. A sexual adventure cannot be completely devoid of love. I mean, we say “make love”? We assign a material term to a poetic abstraction, an action (the action par excellence!) to a feeling (the ultimate feeling!) The expression conveys the link between the act and the feeling; it says what we feel when we express it through the concrete forms of our bodies.
    My dear Julia, I know you’ll get on this plane. And you know it too. So... have a good flight! And let me know what happens.
    From Julia [email protected]
    Date Wednesday 25 July 2012 3:12
    To Sarah [email protected]
    Subject Re: Evidence
    How clear-headed you are…
    Yes, because Daniel’s heart is unfathomable, I can only listen to mine.
    Yes, what appals me and disturbs me about him is also what attracts me to him. He is macho, prone to being controlling and giving orders, but on the other hand there’s his romantic, grandiose acts, his initiative and his admirable power. He’s strict and secretive, but he’s decent, he doesn’t go in for soppiness, flattery or banalities. He can appear incredibly cold yet, conversely, he can exude a delightful warmth.
    Yes, because I find Daniel’s body irresistibly, madly and inescapably attractive. I want to feel his body against mine.
    Because, in his hands, on his erection, I love feeling as if I am both losing and finding myself, being someone else and yet overwhelmingly myself.
    Because what our conscience doesn’t notice at first, our body knows immediately. A body in love invites the heart to follow it.
    Yes, I’ll get on that plane.
    Because going to Daniel is like making my way up a molten volcano. I know it’s dangerous, but I continue to climb, I can’t help climbing, because it’s beautiful, hot, radiant and exceptional.
    Yes, I will get on that plane.
    It was not yet seven am when I had a last look around my room, at my leather armchair, my old friend. It was time to walk away. When I raised my hand to hail a taxi on the pavement in front of the hotel, I heard a familiar voice behind me.
    "Miss Belmont!"
    I turned round. Ray was there, in a black suit, leaning against the open door of a dark car. He smiled and gestured for me to get into the car.
    "Ray!" I said, returning his smile and walking towards him.
    "Hello, Miss Belmont. I’m pleased to see you again. Mr Wietermann asked me to take you

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