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ago. Thrown together that first night of the convention when they’d been stuck in the hotel elevator, they found they had a lot in common.
Besides attending seminars and walking the convention floor together, they’d shared several meals and confided in each other about their nonexistent love lives. After all, being in the restaurant business didn’t leave much time for dating. At least, that’s the excuse they gave each other.
Allison reached in the package and pulled out the apron with the words KlSS THE COOK emblazoned across the bib. Smiling, she shook her head. How had Haley ended up with the apron? They’d all laughed when Angel tied it on to show it to them that last night in Dallas. She remembered how they had joked about passing the apron around among the group, but she didn’t think they’d actually follow through. Looking closer, she noticed her friends had signed the apron.
Allison pulled out a folded letter from the package.
Dear Allison,
Here’s a little gift for you! Hope it will remind you of the fun time we shared in Dallas. This apron has made the rounds among our little group, and I understand you are the only one who hasn’t had the pleasure of wearing it.
Now don’t you dare toss it out! It’s had a wonderful effect on each of us.
Angel took it home and fell in love within just a few months of her return to Florida. Did you hear she got married last June? She sent it on to Monica who got back together with Gil, a great guy she’d known years ago. They were married in August! It arrived in my mailbox a few months ago, shortly after Scott Jantzen returned from his deployment overseas.
It worked, like a charm! Scott and I were married May first! So I'm passing it on to you. I don't believe it's magic, but I do think when you open your heart to all the possibilities and let the Lord lead you, some wonderful things can happen. I want you to tie it on and send me a picture! Don’t disappoint me. Give love a chance . . . and see where it leads.
With love from the Cowpoke Cafe,
P.S. You are coming to the convention again, aren't you?
Please, please say yes! And be sure to bring the apron!!
Allison lifted the apron once more. She smiled at the thought of her friends wearing it and falling in love. Would it help in her situation? She laughed at herself for even forming the question in her mind. She believed in Providence—the wisdom, care, and guidance of God—not lucky aprons. Still, what harm could it do to wear the apron and take a picture for Haley? It would remind her of her three special friends who cared about her and prayed for her. She slipped it over her head and tied it at the back. She would wear it for them . . . and see what happened.
Chapter Ten
Allison watched the older couple walk toward the front door of Sweet Something. The man slowed and took his wife’s hand as she stepped down into the gift shop. She stopped to admire the collection of teapots, and he waited patiently by her side, listening to her comments with an affectionate look in his eyes.
It was well past six, but Allison didn’t want to hurry her final customers out the door. They appeared to be at least seventy-five and obviously enjoying their time together.
As they walked by, Alison smiled and lifted her hand. “Come back and see us again,” she called.
“Oh, we will. Thank you.” The old gentleman held the door open for his wife. She passed through and took his arm. They exchanged contented smiles and headed down Nassau Street into the early evening twilight.
Allison’s smile faded. Would she and Tyler share a love like that, one that lasted through the years? Closing her eyes, a prayer rose from her heart. Please , Lord, take care of him wherever he is and bring him back to me.
With a sigh, she turned off the outside lights, locked the front door, and flipped the sign to CLOSED. She glanced down at her KlSS THE COOK apron and brushed off a few crumbs. Several people had commented on