Spurred On (The Quick and the Hot)

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Book: Spurred On (The Quick and the Hot) by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
Tags: contemporary western
trickled out. He rolled down the windows and closed the door again.
    Zoe Beth’s nipples bunched as he brushed past her and circled to the rear of the truck. He released the tailgate and patted the bed. “It’s not a five-star restaurant, but it’s what I could manage in the middle of nowhere. Besides, I wanted privacy.”
    She came closer to the tailgate. On the bed Hayden had laid a picnic. A thick quilt graced the bottom of the truck and a picnic basket sat in the middle. A bottle of wine glinted.
    He waved a hand overhead. “We’ve got our own private candlelight.”
    Her throat closed off at his efforts to make this date special. Shame burned. She’d expected a hot romp in the hay with him—she would have been content with it. But this was so much better.
    “After you.” He gestured to the bed. She climbed in and settled cross-legged beside the picnic basket. He followed, crowding close. When he moved, wafts of his personal musk dizzied her.
    He reached into the picnic basket and pulled out a silver packet. Once he started to unwrap it, the scent of Mattie’s decadent death-by-chocolate brownies struck Zoe Beth.
    “Mmm. I thought the brownies were gone. I went to get one after dinner and the pan was empty.”
    “Well, Mattie didn’t mind me snitching them. Or this.” He pulled out a can of whipped cream.
    Sparks of heat lit between Zoe Beth’s thighs. What did he intend to do with that whipped cream? She’d never played with food sexually before. But maybe he was only going to use it on top off the brownies.
    His eyes glittered as he passed her a thick brownie. “Hold it out.”
    She did, and he pressed a thick forefinger on the whipped cream nozzle, squirting a perfect peak of fluff on top. “Yum.” She licked the tip, and he tracked her movements, a look of pure hunger on his face.
    “Damn, baby. Do that again.”
    Feeling self-conscious now, she flicked her tongue over the sugary fluff. Apparently Hayden enjoyed giving sweet treats to women too. The whipped cream lay on her tongue, and before she could swallow, he grabbed her around the nape and hauled her mouth to his.
    He plunged his tongue between her lips and gathered the whipped cream. They shared a groan, much louder than ever before. Out here no one would hear if she cried out with ecstasy. Thank God he’d thought ahead.
    She cradled her brownie and clamped her other hand on his shoulder as he cleaned off her tongue. When he withdrew, his expression of want had intensified.
    “More,” she whispered.
    He grabbed the whipped cream and held the nozzle to her lips. The first shock of air made her giggle. He smeared her lips with the sticky stuff, and when she giggled, he stuck the nozzle in and filled her mouth to overflowing.
    Both laughing, he kissed away the cream, and she swallowed as much as she could. He took long minutes on her lips, bathing them with his tongue until her pussy was soaked with desire. Would he squirt whipped cream all over her body and lick it away?
    He took the brownie from her hand and bit into it. As he chewed, he offered her a bite. They shared it between them, washing it down with full-bodied wine. The wine complemented the rich chocolate and made Zoe Beth’s taste buds dance.
    Hayden brushed away the last crumbs and took up the whipped cream again. “Tip your head back.”
    She barely suppressed a squeak as she did his bidding. He drew a line of cream down her throat to her cleavage. Then he swooped in, openmouthed, and licked and sucked her clean.
    Her nipples strained, her pussy on fire. She smoothed her fingers through his hair as he bit the swell of one breast.
    “I’ve been dreaming about doing this since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
    Again she giggled. “What was it that turned you on? The fact that I was ready to concuss you with a shovel?”
    His laugh was deep, pouring over her skin like warm water. Goosebumps broke out on her arms. “Yeah, that was a real erotic moment. Actually, everything

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