believe they even had us here today. School will be out the rest of the week. I would come over tonight, but I have to go to the church. I’ve been hearing that several people have died and we have a lot of older members we need to go check on.”
Feeling guilty for being selfish, I sit up a little straighter, making up my mind to take control. “Alright then. I’ll work on that tonight, maybe go through some things in his office and also do some more searching on the internet. Want to meet at my house at about nine tomorrow morning?”
“Sounds good.” As he stands to go, the bell rings and the rest of the kids still in the courtyard quickly scurry out, leaving us alone. I tear off the bottom half of the paper with my notes on it and write out my address. Chris takes it, and as we turn to leave in opposite directions, he stops me with a hand on my arm. “Alex,” he says.
The tone in his voice makes my heart flutter and I look at him questioningly. “Yes?”
“Be careful…” of what, he doesn’t say. Although neither of us can put into words what it is we’re fearful of, we both know it’s there.
It turns out Chris was right about the letter. They handed them out the last ten minutes of the day. School is in fact cancelled for the rest of the week.
When I picked Jacob up in the exact spot I promised I’d be, he had a similar note in his hand . He was very excited about it and all the way home I heard about how several of his friends either weren’t there, or were getting sick. There were still a few unaffected like he was, but it sounded very similar to what was going on at the high school.
Driving past Brent’s house, Jacob explains that his younger brother was healthy and at school. He said that Brent was sick but getting better, as well as their dad.
As we pull up to our house, Baxter is at the fence that encloses the backyard, barking happ ily at us. I go to let him out and pull out my cell phone. I’ve already checked it several times today, but there’s still no answer from Missy. I’ve only sent her one more message because I figure that if she’s able to, she’ll get back to me. I’m getting really worried though and decide that if she hasn’t texted by six, then I’ll call her. Sighing, I put it back in my pocket and get busy loving on Baxter.
My face covered in dog drool, I follow Jacob into the kitchen. He’s at the fridge and getting a snack before I even set my stuff down. Taking the last banana off the counter, I sit down at the table, exhausted. Looking at it, I notice it’s a lot browner than its cousin that I ate this morning. Shrugging, I go ahead and peel it. Nothing wrong with a little bruising.
“Ewww..that’s gross! ” Jacob informs me. He’s working on consuming a cold hot dog and I bite my tongue about all the unspeakable ingredients he’s eating.
“I guess we need to go to the store soon.” Tossing the banana skin in the garbage, I eat the last bite and go to the freezer. “One more pizza in here. We can have that tonight and I’ll go shopping tomorrow.”
Jake is more than happy with the evenings menu and he and Baxter disappear out the back door. I watch them leave and smile at his ability to adapt. Then I realize that Jacob didn’t even ask about Mom, or go check on her. Is that part of the coping mechanism? He’s normally what you would call a Momma’s boy. I find myself frowning again.
Taking my own cue, I head down the hallway. Why am I so apprehensive? Am I afraid that she’s going to be worse? No, I admit. I’m fearful that she’ll be the same.
I find her door closed, and so knock lightly before openi ng it. She’s propped up in bed with the television on. One of the many crossword puzzle books is in her lap and she’s tapping a pen on her forehead, deep in thought. Maybe that was why she didn’t call out a greeting when she heard us
Aaron McCarver, Diane T. Ashley