
Free Deceived by Kate Serine

Book: Deceived by Kate Serine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Serine
one call he’d been expecting.
    â€œGood morning, Will,” he said, forcing his tone to be congenial.
    He couldn’t stand the commander of the Chicago commandery. The little bastard wouldn’t even be in the position if his grandfather hadn’t been high commander of the Alliance. The man had dragged his grandson in from his duties with the CIA to put him in charge of the region when Will’s father had been killed during a mission several years earlier. The appointment hadn’t sat well with anyone in the Alliance—Templar or confrere .
    But now it was like no one remembered how they’d been screwed over for advancement as a result of blatant nepotism. And the son of a bitch was regarded as one of the best commanders in the Western Hemisphere—possibly the world—and considered to be heir apparent to the high commander if he could be convinced to take the position. Will Asher’s modesty and constant deprecation of his glory and accolades made Stone’s gut twist with disgust. He’d been handed power on a silver platter and refused to embrace it while other, more deserving brothers would’ve been more than happy to take what they were due. Will Asher was weak, pathetic.
    But not Stone. Such injustices merely galvanized his determination to take what should’ve been his all along.
    â€œGood morning, Jacob,” Will replied, his tone grave. “I’m sorry to call so early.”
    â€œYou know my line is open to you any time, Will,” Stone said, reminding himself that he’d only be kissing Will’s ass for a little while longer. “To what do I owe the pleasure, my friend?”
    â€œI’m sorry to have to do this over the phone,” Will began, “but you need to know Senator Hal Blake has been shot in an assassination attempt.”
    â€œMy God,” Stone breathed, feigning shock and concern. “When? How? Do you have any leads?”
    â€œNot yet,” Will said. “I know Hal’s like a father to you, Jacob. I promise we’re going to do everything we can to figure out who’s behind this.”
    Stone had to suppress a grin and cleared his throat as if emotion was choking him. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
    â€œWe’re trying to keep it quiet, spin Hal’s condition with the press,” Will continued. “But I didn’t want you to find out from some other source if it leaks out. I thought you should hear it from us.”
    â€œWhat about Maddie and Sarah? Do they know?” Stone asked, holding his breath as he waited for Will’s response, hoping he’d give away a clue as to Sarah’s whereabouts.
    â€œYeah,” Will replied.
    Stone waited for a moment, but when it became clear that Will wasn’t going to say another word about the senator’s daughters, Stone suppressed a sigh and continued, “Well, please let them know I’m thinking of them. And that if they need anything, I’m here.”
    When Will disconnected, Stone had to resist the urge to lob his phone across the cabin. Cagey bastard. The man wasn’t nearly as willing to confide in Stone as some of his colleagues. And of all the commanders, Will Asher was the one he most needed in his pocket—not just because he commanded all of North America but also because of his family connections. Unfortunately, he was the commander who was proving the most difficult to win over.
    Still, Stone had no concern that Will suspected his true motives or plans for the Alliance. He’d known Will long enough now to understand that his reserve wasn’t personal—the guy didn’t get close to anyone . Jack Grayson, whose family was almost as legendary and well-connected as Will Asher’s, might be the one exception. Perhaps that was the angle Stone needed to work....
    â€œMr. Stone?”
    Stone turned at the sultry sound of Ms. Holt’s voice, and all thoughts of the Alliance

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