Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2)

Free Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) by Jerica MacMillan Page A

Book: Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) by Jerica MacMillan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerica MacMillan
feeling of his muscles bunching, his shoulders tight from holding himself over her.  
    He sat up and yanked his shirt off, throwing it like she had, and was immediately on her again. Their tongues dueled and she pressed herself against him, enjoying the feeling of his skin rubbing against hers.  
    He reached his hand down between them and undid her jeans then sat up and shucked them off her in one motion. He stood, removing his shoes and his shorts and boxers before he reached for a condom from his bedside table.  
    Megan took a moment to admire him. His chest and arms were well defined and his stomach was flat. A happy trail led from his belly button down to where he was rolling on a condom. Mmm. He was a nice size. Unless he was just a lousy lay, this should be good.  
    Fully covered, Chris looked up at her, his eyes sweeping down her body and back up to her face. He knelt on the bed between her legs and ran a hand up her inner thigh, spreading her legs open so he could access what he wanted. He brushed a hand over her pussy, letting his fingers trail across her mound. He did it again, more firmly. The next time, he spread her open and let a finger trace across her opening, around her clit, and back down again before slipping inside her. He pressed up, making her rock her hips, pressing herself into his hand, enjoying the feeling of his finger hitting whatever spot he'd found deep inside her. He pressed his thumb into her clit and let another finger join the first, getting her wetter.
    She'd already been soaking her panties before he'd stripped them off of her. Was he going to give her an orgasm with his hand? She hoped he did and hoped he didn't at the same time. She liked the way it felt better when she came on a cock. Though his fingers did feel pretty amazing. All the heat in her body felt like it was focused between her legs where he stroked her. She clutched at the sheets, her body tightening, her hips rocking into his hand, her back starting to arch. And he pulled away, leaving her whimpering and needy.  
    He locked eyes with her and grinned, then slid his hands under her ass, pulling her toward him, and plunged home. Megan's eyes almost rolled back in her head. It had been months since she'd had sex, and the feeling of him filling her up was exquisite.  
    “Holy fuck, you're tight.” Chris moved back and surged into her again. He started out slow, each thrust hard and deep, but leaving space between them. The angle he'd found was perfect and Megan couldn't help but groan each time he hit that spot, her arousal rocketing higher with each thrust. Soon, he picked up the pace. One hand left her ass and settled over her mound, his thumb sliding down to stroke her clit.  
    “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.” The words spilled out of Megan like a chant. Her body tightened, her back arching, and she exploded, all her tension unraveling as the pleasure took over.  
    Chris leaned forward, planting his arms on either side of her head, and picked up the pace even more, prolonging her orgasm and chasing his own. Soon he thrust hard again, and again, and he held himself against her. She was still experiencing the aftershocks of her own orgasm while he shuddered above her, his eyes tightly closed. He let out a groan and collapsed against her. He lay there for a moment, his arm and half his torso on top of hers, his cock still inside her. His weight on her felt nice, firm and warm on top of her. Too bad it wouldn't happen again.
    After a moment he got up and left the room without a word, leaving the door ajar. Megan sat up, starting to look around for her clothes. She spotted her jeans and panties first and climbed off the bed to get them so she could get dressed again. She heard the water running in the bathroom. Hers was the only room with an en suite. The guys shared the other bathroom.  
    The door opened and Chris came back in the room. Megan glanced up at him. He stood there naked and unselfconscious, his cock still half

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