Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2)

Free Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) by Jerica MacMillan

Book: Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) by Jerica MacMillan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerica MacMillan
    When they got to his car Megan pulled out her phone to let Abby know she didn't need a ride. The drive home went by in charged silence. Chris didn't touch her again, but kept glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. Her skin was still sensitized from his touch and she shivered at the memory of his cock jabbing into her belly. She wondered what it would feel like against her skin, in her hand, inside her. It looked like she'd get to find out soon.  
    She was aware of him, every movement, every gesture, every expression. His hands were clenched on the steering wheel, making the muscles in his arms bulge. He ran his hand through his hair a few times, mussing it, making it stand on end. It was short, but just long enough to grab hold of. The thought of what they could be doing while she ran her hands through his hair and held on made her squirm in her seat, warmth and wetness pooling between her legs.
    As soon as he threw the car in park, both their seatbelts were off and they were up the steps. Chris made short work of unlocking the door and pushing through it, closing it behind her. He turned the deadbolt and then he was on her.  
    He pulled her back in front of the door and pushed her up against it. His mouth was on hers, demanding entrance and capitulation. His anger from earlier was undimmed, just channeled in a new direction. She met his demands, his anger, with her own. She was turned on but still pissed off at him. For flirting with her over the summer then turning cold. For acting like an asshole. For interrupting her dance tonight. For dragging her around and acting like he owned her. For accusing her of being a slut. Not that fucking him now would prove him wrong, but she was horny and it had been a long ass time. She'd wanted Chris for a while, and she was tired of pretending otherwise. He obviously felt the same way.  
    His hands gripped her hips, pulling her against him, grinding her against his cock. He palmed her ass and lifted, never breaking the kiss. She wrapped her legs around him, her arms going around his neck, clasping together and hanging on.  
    Chris held her there, supporting her weight with his hands, and rocked against her center. Megan groaned into his mouth.  
    With that, he pulled her away from the door and carried her into his bedroom, his mouth still on hers, navigating by memory. It's a good thing they didn't let the house get too messy. He lowered her onto his bed, only breaking away once she lay sprawled on the mattress. He stood up and looked down at her with hooded eyes. “You look so fucking sexy sprawled on my bed with your hair a mess.” He crawled on top of her again before she could respond. His hands traveled up her sides under her shirt and reached around her back to undo her bra.
    Megan pushed on his chest and he sat up, letting her up too. She yanked her shirt over her head and tossed it along with her bra off to the side. That look on his face when he saw her topless was her favorite thing. His hazel eyes were darkened with desire. She’d put that look there. It made her feel wanton, sexy, powerful.
    She lay back, arms up by her head, open to his gaze. He leaned forward and let his hands travel over her skin again, this time with nothing in the way. His hands were warm and rough, and she gasped when his callused fingers tweaked her nipples. He smiled down at her, his eyes meeting hers, and did it again.
    Then his mouth was there. His tongue traced circles around each nipple before drawing them into his mouth one at a time. She arched into him, her fingers now in his hair like she'd imagined in the car. Deciding she'd had enough attention paid to her breasts, she tugged on his hair and brought his mouth back to hers. His t-shirt felt rough where it brushed across her oversensitive nipples. She began to pull up his shirt so she could run her hands over his torso, starting at the sides and roaming around over his back. His skin was smooth and she relished the

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