FAMILY FALLACIES (The Kate Huntington mystery series #3)
and gave
a succinct report on what had happened.
    Skip asked Maria
several questions in Spanish and then nodded. Looking down into Kate´s worried
eyes, he said, “We’re not going to let anything happen to Edie.”
    He turned to Rose. “You
got some time to work on this?”
    “Every minute I’m not
on duty,” Rose said emphatically.
    “Good. I’m going to
stay here during the day when Kate’s at work. If this gal, or guy, tries to
deliver another note here, hopefully I’ll catch ’em in the act. I think maybe a
security system is in order as well.”
    Kate nodded. “But what
about your work, Skip?” she said. “You can’t get a new business off the ground
if you’re babysitting Edie and Maria all the time. I’m going to take a leave of
    “No, you can’t do that,
Kate, for two reasons,” Skip said. “The first being that you love what you do
and your clients depend on you. And secondly, if you give into these vague
demands and stop working now, we’ll probably never find out who’s doing this so
we can stop them once and for all.”
    “It’d help if the
asshole would be more specific,” Rose growled.
    “But the question
remains, Skip, how will you do your work if you’re here all day? I’m going to
have to insist on paying you two for your services.”
    “Not necessary.” He
held up his hand as she started to protest again. “A lot of investigating is
done on the computer these days. All I need is an internet connection. Any
field work needed, I can do when you’re not working.”
    Kate’s face brightened.
“You can use my study,” she said, gesturing toward the area that had once been
a formal dining room. It had gone through several transformations and was now
set up with desk, computer and bookshelves, so Kate could work on paperwork
while keeping an eye on the baby playing in the adjoining living room.
    “That way, you’ll
always be near Edie. She’s in here or in the nursery most of the time.” Kate
tilted her head toward the room that had once been Eddie’s study and was now
the nursery.
    “Okay. Any new thoughts
on who might be sending these notes?” Skip asked.
    “Well, at first Sally
and I assumed it was related to one of my cases, but now Sally’s convinced
they’re coming from the false memory crowd. I’m inclined to agree with her.”
Kate filled them in on the false memory movement while Rose took notes.
    “I’ll start checking
them out tomorrow.”
    “Thank you so much,
Rose. But please go carefully with these people. Try not to mention my name or
the center’s. If it’s not one of them sending the notes, I don’t want to draw
their attention to us.”
    Rose nodded. “I’ll find
out if there’s a local group first. There are ways for me to check them out
without bringing you all into it.”
    “If you don’t mind,
Kate, I’d feel better if I slept here on the sofa tonight,” Skip said. If she
said no, he would watch the house from his truck all night.
    But Kate agreed. “Thank
you. I think that’s the only way I’ll be able to get any sleep.”

    F irst thing Wednesday
morning, Kate called several companies that specialized in home security. With
the offer of a big bonus, one company promised to be there by mid-afternoon to
install a security system. For good measure, Kate decided to have wrought-iron
filigree bars put on the first floor windows. Then she cleared a space in her
study for Skip to set up his laptop when he was on bodyguard duty.
    When Rob called to tell
her something had come up and he couldn’t meet for lunch, Kate quickly filled
him in on the newest note and where it had been found.
    “My God, Kate, is the
baby okay?”
    “Yes, Maria took Edie
with her when she left the room, but it’s totally freaking me out that someone
came into my house and...” Kate took a deep breath to steady herself. “But
things are under control now. Canfield and Hernandez, Private Investigations,
are on the job. Rose is

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