The Undercover Playboy (Captured by Love Book 3)

Free The Undercover Playboy (Captured by Love Book 3) by Miranda P. Charles

Book: The Undercover Playboy (Captured by Love Book 3) by Miranda P. Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda P. Charles
his tongue.
    Cassie’s answer was a soft moan.
    “And this?” He ran a hand up her thigh and groaned when he reached the apex between her legs. “God, baby, you’re so wet.”
    “I told you,” she gasped out.
    Hell, he wasn’t satisfied with just touching. He crawled down her body, placing hungrykisses on her skin as he went. Finally, he was where he wanted to be. He gave her legs a little nudge and Cassie spread them wider for him. “You’re so fucking hot, Cassie,” he breathed, giving her inner thigh several pecks before running his tongue around her pussy lips.
    “Did you dream about this too?” he asked, teasing her by bringing his attention back to her thigh.
    “Yes, but...”

    “But what, sweetheart?” He tasted her wet core.
    “Oh, yes, that...”
    He chuckled before he licked her swollen nub.
    Cassie’s hips bucked as she moaned lustily. Oh yes, that was exactly what he wanted to hear. But he was greedy, and he craved for more. He closed his mouth on her clit and sucked lightly, then swirled his tongue on that tiny bundle of sensitised nerves. When Cassie’s cries got louder,he inserted a finger in her as his tongue continued its ministrations.
    “Carter!” Cassie cried.
    Next thing he knew, she was pushing him away. He looked up in surprise.
    “Inside me, Carter,” she pleaded with hooded eyes.
    He smiled. “We have plenty of time, baby,” he said, before bending down again and flicking his tongue fast on her nub. He was determined to make her come a few times tonight.
    “No. In my dream, I didn’t come this way the first time.”
    A different kind of warmth filled him. How could he say no when Cassie was asking him to make her dreams come true? He moved back up to look into her eyes. “So I already made you come, huh?” he said with a cheeky grin.
    She giggled. “The Carter in my dreams did.”
    “Well, this Carter is dying to do just that,” he murmured, grabbing the condomfrom the bedside table and putting it on.
    He settled himself on top of Cassie, holding her gaze as he guided his eager dick to her soaked entrance. “You’ve made me come many times already,” he said as he pushed in.
    Cassie gasped. “How many?”
    “I’ve lost count,” he said through gritted teeth as pleasure swamped him from the feel of Cassie’s inner walls sheathing him. He thrust slowly, over andover, again and again, wanting to savour the feel of moving in and out of her. “Sweetheart, this is better than I imagined,” he groaned, moving a hand to her breast and lightly pinching her nipple.
    “Yes,” she whimpered, her head thrown back.
    Seeing Cassie in ecstasy—because of him—spurred him further. He drove in... and out... his rocking getting faster, his breath getting more laboured, andhe knew he was at the point of no return. He wanted to make this last, but he was too far gone. He put his thumb in Cassie’s mouth and she sucked dutifully, her beautiful, hooded eyes on his. Then he moved that hand and reached down for her clit, rubbing it in circles with his wet thumb.
    “Carter... oh God...”
    “Yessss. Come for me, Cassie,” he grunted, driving into her faster, her passionategasps bringing him ever closer to the edge.
    With a high-pitched cry, Cassie trembled violently, her body clamping hard on his thrusting cock.
    “Cassie,” he roared, as he erupted inside her. Loud and long.
    C arter collapsed on top of Cassie, spent and mindless from the incredible pleasure he’d just experienced. How could he, a guy who’d been with many women, not have experienced this kind ofsex before? And the weird thing was they hadn’t done anything extraordinarily different—just some oral sex and the plain old missionary position. Nothing special.
    Except that the woman he’d just made love to was special. And he was only starting to realise just how much.
    He angled his head to kiss her cheek. “You’re incredible.”
    “So are you,” she answered with a smile in her

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