Edge of Love
think of something.”
    “ You better think of
something soon.”
    “ I’ll just tell her I left
her for you and that I was cheating on her.”
    I slapped his arm. “I thought you just
said you didn’t want to lie.”
    “ Yeah, but I can’t think
of any other way to drop it.”
    “ And it makes you look
like a jerk. And I look like an adulteress. You shouldn’t have to
sacrifice your reputation for her.”
    “ Well, my parents know I
used to be a huge horndog.”
    “ Well, you aren’t
    “ Definitely
    “ Just tell them she dumped
you. It’s plain and simple.”
    He sighed. “I’ll think about
    “ Thank you.” I closed my
eyes and breathed in his scent. “I want to go home,
    “ Me, too.”
    “ I miss Ryan.”
    He laughed. “You guys sound like Greek
    I hit him on the shoulder. “Don’t be
    “ Have you talked to
    “ We just got off the
    He nodded. “So he knows the whole
story,” he said sadly. “Does he hate me and my family
    “ He doesn’t care for your
mom, but he doesn’t hold you accountable for their actions. He
knows it’s not your fault.”
    He breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank
    “ Can we leave early
tomorrow morning? I would rather sit in the terminal for a few
hours than be here.”
    “ Whatever my fiancé
wants,” he said. “But I would rather go to a hotel so we can have
sex as loud as we want.”
    “ That’s a waste of
    He smiled. “We can just do it on the
plane again. It’s more economical that way.”
    I laughed. “They’ll probably be
watching us this time.”
    “ A challenge. I like
    I laughed again. “I love you so
    His eyes softened. “I love you, too.
I’m so sorry you have to put up with this bullshit. It’s the last
thing I ever want you to deal with.”
    “ It’s okay.”
    “ Are you still mad at
    I shook my head. “No. But please don’t
hide anything from me again.”
    “ I promise.”
    I wrapped my arms around his neck and
held him close to me. “Ryan said he and Cortland can be your
    He smiled at me. “Good. Now I get to
tease you like they do.”
    My face fell. “Damn.”
    He laughed. “I’m honored to be a part
of your family. I’ve always thought of Ryan and Cortland as my
brothers anyway. I wish I could reciprocate.”
    “ As long as I have you, I
don’t need anything else.”
    “ I’m glad you’re settling
for me.”
    I looked at him. “I’m definitely not
    “ Let’s be real, Scarlet. I
used to be a disgusting pervert. I told women I loved them just to
take their virginity, and then I left them without calling them
back. When I got into college, I did the same thing but on a
grander scale. I lived that life until I met Penelope. I’m not a
good person, babe.”
    “ I admit that you were a
horrible person in that respect, but you’re an amazing guy in every
other way. Besides, you’re completely different now. You would
never do something like that to me.”
    “ It doesn’t change
anything. I used to be a man that every father hated.”
    “ Well, I can say with
complete confidence that my father would love you.”
    He smiled at me. “I don’t want to have
any girls. Only boys.”
    I laughed. “I’ll do my best. And
what’s your problem with girls? They’re adorable.”
    “ I just don’t want them to
end up with a guy like me.”
    “ Well, you’ll be able to
see them from a mile away.”
    He nodded. “I guess that’s
    “ And not all women care
about that. Some women have a casual sex lifestyle. It’s not a big
    “ Our daughters
    I sighed. This conversation was going
nowhere. “You should go back downstairs.”
    “ Come with me.”
    “ I have no interest in
being around your brother and mother right now. You father is the
only person I like.”
    He smiled. “My father is pretty

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