Edge of Love
Sean asked me to avoid being alone with
him, but I somehow ended up in the situation. Sean was furious with
me and we fought over it. I was pissed at him because he didn’t
tell me the truth to begin with, and then he accused me of acting
like Penelope. I would never cheat on him and I’m offended that he
thinks I ever would.”
    “ Talk to him about
    “ I did.”
    “ And?”
    “ I’m still mad about the
whole thing.”
    “ And you can’t sleep
together because you’re at his parents’ house? That just made it
    “ Well, we did it anyway
but that’s beside the point.”
    Ryan sighed. “Is that all?”
    “ No. His mom doesn’t think
we should get married. She thinks I’m just a rebound for her son
and that he’s settling for me. She cares more about Penelope and
why they broke up. Now she’s planning this ridiculous wedding that
I don’t even want.”
    “ Tell her the
    “ I can’t.”
    “ Why?”
    “ She already dislikes me.
I’ll have Sean tell her after we leave.”
    “ It will get better after
you come home, Scar. It’s only one more day.”
    “ I know. But I’m just
upset about the whole thing. Why do they like Penelope so much? I
feel like I’m not good enough for Sean.”
    “ I’m guessing they don’t
know what that bitch did?”
    “ No,” I said. “He hasn’t
told them.”
    “ Why?”
    “ I have no
    “ And Scar?”
    “ Hmm?”
    “ He’s the one who isn’t
good enough for you. Don’t ever forget that.”
    I smiled. “I don’t know about
    “ Sean had a perfect life.
You started with nothing, you were emotionally and physically
abused, and look how you turned out? You did it all on your own.
Don’t ever let them make you think you aren’t good
    “ Thanks,” I whispered.
“But I wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for you.”
    “ I know,” he said. “I feel
the same way.”
    We were quiet for a moment.
    “ Scar, I think his parents
are being assholes—”
    “ It’s just his
    “ Anyway, don’t hold it
against Sean. As long as he’s supportive of you, you can’t be mad
at him for that. It’s out of his control. Has he defended
    “ Yes.”
    “ Then cut him some slack.
I’m sure he wants to leave as much as you do, especially to get
away from his maniacal brother. I always liked the guy. I had no
idea he was psycho.”
    “ I don’t know how they
became that way either. They practically fought to the death this
    “ Why?”
    “ Mike said he was going to
sleep with me and Sean flipped out.”
    “ Well, Sean is defending
you. That’s all that matters. I think I can speak for Sean when I
say you’re his family now.”
    “ I know.”
    “ And if he doesn’t like
his brother, I can always take his place.”
    I smiled. That was the sweetest thing
I’ve ever heard Ryan say. “Really? Even after what he did to
    “ We all make mistakes,
Scar. Sean is no different. And I know how important he is to you.
Cortland and I can be the brothers he never had. He pretty much
already is.”
    “ That means so much to
    “ I know it
    “ I want to have a wedding
with just the six of us. I don’t want anyone else to be
    “ I’m sure Sean will
    “ He would do anything for
    “ And I doubt he wants to
have a stupid girly wedding and all that bullshit
    I laughed. “Yes, that’s
    “ I wouldn’t.”
    “ Have you been thinking
about weddings lately?”
    He was quiet for a moment.
    I couldn’t hide the smile in my voice.
“I’m so happy for you.”
    “ Yeah.”
    Since Janice was lying next to him, I
knew I couldn’t say everything on my mind. I was always worried
that Ryan wouldn’t find someone to spend the rest of his life with.
Knowing that the person he chose was my best friend made it even
better. “I should let you go.”
    “ I don’t suspect that I’ll
be able to fall back asleep

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