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Book: Incubus by Janet Elizabeth Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Elizabeth Jones
was unsure of her ability to maintain her objectivity where he was concerned would be an understatement.
    If she took his case, she’d have to keep their relationship professional.
    She looked up to find Neshi regarding her with unveiled mockery as though he could read her mind. The fire’s golden flames turned his face to a bronze mask, making him seem like an inscrutable ancient god.
    Neshi shoved his hands into his pockets. “I was his last chance. He hasn’t responded to any of my treatments. But I can’t have him wandering off unattended. He could hurt someone. I suppose he’ll have to be incarcerated after all.”
    Caroline had seen how much Meical enjoyed the sunshine that morning when they were first getting acquainted. Being locked up would strangle him. He’d be a sponge in an asylum, with no way to shield himself from the emotions all around him.
    â€œI can assure you, Dr. Neshi, if you institutionalize this man, he’ll die inside. He needs to heal from the inside out. That takes a lot of trust and sharing on his part, and a lot of time and patience on yours.”
    â€œForgive me, but the severity of Meical’s emotional unrest requires a practitioner trained in psychology, not feel-good remedies and warm fuzzies.”
    Caroline felt a rush of professionalism she’d forgotten she had and embraced it like a long-lost friend. That was her only haven now, and nothing should ever change theway she addressed a colleague. “I’m a psychologist and a certified counselor. Trauma cases are my specialization. I was working on my Ph.D. in juvenile psychiatry last year when…something interrupted my plans. I still practice when I can. I…” She sighed. What was she getting herself into? “…I can probably help him.”
    Neshi crossed his arms and looked her over like a backstreet bully sizing up a new recruit. Caroline fought off the urge to squirm under his dark and assessing gaze, squared her shoulders and scowled back at him.
    â€œYou’re offering to take him as your patient?” he asked.
    Stupid, stupid, no, no, no, don’t do it. “I am.”
    â€œWhat is your name?”
    â€œCaroline what?”
    â€œYou don’t need to know that.”
    â€œDo you live alone?”
    â€œWhat does that have to do with anything?”
    He cleared his throat, all smug machismo. “Meical’s particular psychosis will stress the boundaries you’re accustomed to between you and your patients, specifically because you are female. ”
    What did he take her for, a coward? How dare he question her ability? She glared at him. “It’s just a leg I’m missing, not my common sense and professional ethics. Believe me, I can handle him.”
    Even though her shield hadn’t held against his probe that morning. Even though he’d lain her flat on the floor with the force of his inner energy alone and probably hadn’t half tried. Even though his probe had been themost erotic experience she’d ever had. No matter what, she couldn’t let Neshi think she couldn’t deal with a patient.
    The doctor pursed his lips and smiled in a way that gave her the feeling she’d just been played by a master manipulator. “Very well. I’ll inform his family. How much do you charge for your services?”
    â€œI’ll let you know when I’m finished with him. When I do, I’ll expect to be paid in cash. No receipt. I’ll start when he’s feeling well enough.”
    The familiar grumble of John’s Suburban pulling up outside eased the tension in Caroline’s chest. At the doctor’s knock, Dash sprang up, tail wagging. Caroline felt like she could have done the same. She admitted John, who took one look at Neshi, then at Meical and then at her.
    Caroline nodded. “This is Dr. Benemerut Neshi, Meical’s physician and personal watchdog.”

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