
Free Christmas_With_A_Stranger_CandyCaine by Candy Caine

Book: Christmas_With_A_Stranger_CandyCaine by Candy Caine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candy Caine
Tags: Romance
    The persistent ringing of the phone jarred me out of a sound sleep. Wesley stirred next to me. Not wanting the phone to waken him, I rolled over and fumbled for the receiver. Without warning, Wesley’s arm shot out and grabbed my breast. I swatted it away as I tried to talk. He could be so annoying sometimes.
    “Allie, are you awake?” Even in my half comatose state, I recognized the voice as Joe Brown’s, my boss at Brown, Wyckoff, and Jones Advertising Agency. I mouthed, “Stop it!” to Wesley, who decided to ignore what I was telling him and fondled me anyway.
    “No. I'm sleeping like all normal people do at this hour after drinking and raising hell at the office Christmas party.”
    “Jump into the shower and throw on some clothes. I need you to do an enormous favor for me,” he instructed.
    “Come on, Joe. It’s five a.m. on a Saturday. That’s my day off, in case you’ve forgotten. Besides, Christmas is the day after tomorrow, and I still have to wrap my Christmas presents.” Okay, the last part was a white lie, but I needed my sleep, not that I’d get any now that Wesley was pawing me.
    “I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important, Allie.”
    “So is my sleep.”
    “Roy Colby of Helper Stores has an appointment with Tom to discuss the possibility of signing on with us. I don’t have to tell you what his business could mean to our firm.”
    “That’s all very nice, but couldn’t you have waited to tell me this wonderful news at a more humane hour…say some time after noon—tomorrow?”
    “That’s not the reason I called. You’ve got to pick him up at the Bangor Airport. His flight to New York was cancelled at the last minute.”
    “As in Maine?”
    “That’s where I’ve heard Bangor to be.”
    “Why me?”
    “Because you’re a pilot.”
    “That’s just a hobby, not what you hired me for.” Boy, did I ever regret having told him I had a pilot’s license.
    “Please, Allie. I need you to do this for me. Listen, I’m begging you.”
    “Oh, stop your groveling. I’m up already....”
    “I knew I could count on you.”
    “Never again. Especially this early in the morning. Promise?”
    “I promise. And Allie…Thank you. Now get going!”
    No sooner had I put the phone down, Wesley was straddling me.
    “Look, Wes, I gotta go. Joe needs me—”
    “Joe always needs you to do something. Your job always seems to come first, lately.”
    “Hey, that’s not fair.”
    “Then prove it!” He tried to persuade me by rubbing his cock against my sex.
    “Big baby!” I chided as I straddled his back with my legs.
    With his morning hard-on, he slammed into me like a jackhammer. To tell the truth, it felt good, and I really wished I had more time. We both climaxed quickly. Wesley pulled out of me and proceeded to go back to sleep, while I went to take a quick shower and dressed. I left a note on his night table explaining where I'd gone, promising to be back late afternoon. Then I called ahead to make sure the plane I usually rented was available and ready to go.
    At 5:45 a.m., the traffic on the road was light, and I was able to get to JFK in thirty minutes. My two-seater prop was parked on the tarmac waiting for me. To most people it looked like a large remote-control toy plane. But, to me it was a roundtrip ticket to heaven. I loved flying. You might say this love was passed on through my genes. My great grandfather was a Tuskagee Airman during WWII and had the honor of being one of the first African-American fighter pilots. Flying always gave me a feeling of exhilaration akin to nothing else and allowed me to leave that crazy rat race we called life for a couple of hours. And today was no different.
    I found the flight to Maine refreshing. The few cobwebs of sleepiness which had lingered during the ride to JFK had been blown away. I was now fully awake and enjoying the beautiful, clear skies. My mind drifted off to Wesley. We’d been living together for

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