Rose of Betrayal

Free Rose of Betrayal by Elizabeth Lowe

Book: Rose of Betrayal by Elizabeth Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lowe
yours. Untie the bow, Brad.”   Sweet lips floating across his flushed cheek
captured his that were trembling.  

smidgen of will power a male virgin of sixteen possesses vanished.   His mouth covering hers lightly at first
became shockingly demanding.   Forcing her
lips apart his tongue delved deep to satisfy his thirst.   Reveling under his siege, treasuring what he
offered Cindy’s hands untied the bow allowing it to fall unnoticed to the

urgent palms gliding over her body came to a rest upon small buttocks.   Fingers stroked, squeezed, and then pressing
firmly raised her up and down against grinding loins.   In a whine of pleasure, his name floating
between her lips encouraged his hands to travel up her sides to breasts where
they lingered exploring their contours, fingers rolled nipples into hard buds.         

    The smell of Brad, his
strength as he possessively held her made Cindy heady with need.   For a young man he was terrifyingly handsome,
masculine, every woman's dream.   At last,
he was in her grasp.   Somehow, she knew
he would be a gentle, caring lover, unlike Ted.   Anxious to experience all he had to offer, arching her back she
murmured, “Kiss them, Brad, suck them, please.”

no further encouragement, it took Brad little time to become proficient at the
moves making her writhe in torment.    In
response, her hand tugged on the zipper of his jeans and slid inside.

deft hand soft and warm fondled and stroked driving Brad mad with mysterious
pleasure.   In one smooth, swift, movement
he lifted her.   Carrying her across the
stall he laid her gently on the hay, his mouth never relinquishing hers as
tongues dove and played.

she frantically ripped his shirt open, he worked feverishly to release the mass
threatening the seams of his jeans.   Sheathing
her body, he marveled at the feel of skin against skin, the hollows, and the
mounds all glistening with moisture under flickering rays.
      Encountering real passion for the first time,
storing the experience in the reservoirs of her mind she carefully guarded them
to relive over the years whenever the need arose.

his way to the bud of her breast, latching on, he feasted like a newborn
baby.   Every move increased the speed of
lust's tornado until Cindy, knowing where the ride was taking them, unable to
suppress the urge to release the force, wrapped her legs around his haunches
and pleaded,   “Take me, Brad, now, I
can't wait any longer, hurry, please hurry.”

all sense and control, like a weapon his penis charged rocketing them into a foreign
atmosphere.   “Cindy,” he moaned, his
thrusts hard and fast, the friction creating a heat like an atomic explosion
that reached its crest.   Driving into her
made her scream; her nails dig into his buttocks pulling him deeper still.   Unwilling to let go of the magnificent
sensations pulsating, flowing through him, he held her snugly until his swollen
muscle ceased contracting and she became limp in his arms.  
    Gaining composure, needing to know,
Cindy dared to ask, “How was it, Brad?”

still panting from his efforts, Brad found it difficult to recover his voice,
“Holy shit, Cindy, fantastic, simply fantastic.   You were unbelievable. Thank you,” he said kissing her deeply.

inflated to capacity forced tears to Cindy's lashes.   Ted always made her feel like a
plaything.   A selfish person he never
waited long enough for her to seek her own climax.   He never thanked her for her efforts.   After tonight, there would be emptiness in
her forever.   Born no fool; Cindy knew
this was her first and last time with Brad.  
    Clinging to

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