Regency 02 - Betrayal
like the Bri I

Chapter Ten

    “Oh, dear God, you’re sending me back,” Bri
breathed in sudden trepidation.
    She was surprised that she had actually
believed that he would see the truth in her story and not take her
back. Had she really wanted to make a knight-errant out of the
infamous Mr. Adam Prestwich? Everyone knew what a cold-hearted
devil he was. She knew personally what a cold-hearted devil
he was. Why would he change for her?
    “Adam, you can’t possibly send her back
there. Do you—”
    “Leave us, Raven,” Prestwich commanded
curtly. “This doesn’t concern you.”
    He advanced into the room. Raven stood her
ground and glared up at him defiantly. “I will not let you do it,
    Adam’s hand shot out and clamped painfully on
her wrist. “You will obey me in this, woman,” he bit out as he
propelled her to the door. He shoved her through, closed the door,
and locked it.
    “That was a trifle harsh, don’t you
    Adam approached the bed. He stood next to it,
his arms once again crossed over his broad chest. “Perhaps,” he
admitted. “But I find I have no patience for females at the
    “That is hardly an acceptable excuse for
manhandling a weaker creature than you, Mr. Prestwich.”
    A grunt was the only indication he even heard
her words. “You are going home today, Lady Rothsmere. Prepare
yourself for it.”
    Bri sighed. She was suddenly so tired. Tired
of running. Tired of fighting. Tired of…life.
    “Fine,” she replied woodenly.
    Adam noticed her change in mood and wondered
at it. He suspected that she was merely trying to trick him into
letting down his guard so she could escape again.
    “Are you going to try to escape?” he finally
asked after studying her for several tense moments on his part.
    “Do I have your word?”
    She hesitated. “Yes. You have my word I will
not attempt to escape,” she replied solemnly.
    “Thank you.”
    Adam turned to leave. Bri felt all her old
anger return for a moment and she glared at his retreating back
wishing she had a knife to stick there. She settled for words.
    “You’re an unconscionable bastard, Adam
Prestwich. I feel sorry for your wife.”
    Adam froze. How did she…? No, it wasn’t
possible. He turned around slowly, fixing her with a basilisk
stare. “What did you say?”
    Bri returned his gaze with one of her own.
“You will marry one day and I pity the poor girl who is forced to
accept your hand.”
    Adam’s relief was so great, he actually
smiled, albeit mockingly. “Well, I will never marry, so you need
not trouble your kind heart with her miserable fortune.”

    It was every bit as bad as she had thought it
would be. She stood in the rigidly formal drawing room of the Duke
of Corning’s London residence in Grosvenor Square. Well, it was
actually one of her homes but this point was moot at the
moment. Adam had retreated a pace but he was still within reach and
her family virtually surrounded them.
    They were all there: both dukes and their
wives, the earl and countess, and even her cousin Viscount Breckon.
It crossed her mind that Levi was missing and she felt like she was
completely friendless. He was the only one she could count on to
take her side.
    Her blasted family fawned over her for quite
half-an-hour exclaiming over how worried they were and how naughty
she was. It was all just a show for Adam, she knew, and he just
stood there like a big dumb animal and said nothing unless asked a
direct question.
    Bri watched her nemesis surreptitiously while
her Aunt Clara lamented the loss of her dark red locks. Honestly,
Bri didn’t really miss them. Her hair had been thick and heavy
causing her constant headaches. Since her convalesce at Lockwood,
her hair had grown to a more manageable length and recovered its
deep red luster. It now closely resembled a fashionable crop.
    Adam met her gaze suddenly and she realized
the mocking look had gone to be replaced by an unreadable

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