Her Journey Begins

Free Her Journey Begins by Karen Einsel

Book: Her Journey Begins by Karen Einsel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Einsel
doesn ’ t want me seeing you. ”
       “ I know. She told me the same thing the other night. So are you going to stop seeing me? ”
    He gives her a look that says, “ Are you kidding ? ” Before telling her no.
       “ Then what ’ s the problem? ”
       “ It ’ s just what she called you. ”
    Chris chuckles and sighs, “ You know it ’ s like pulling teeth with you. What did she call me? ”
       “ It doesn ’ t matter. ”
    Chris smiles and shakes her head, “ What? Let me guess, she called me, White trash from the wrong side of the tracks? ”
       “ How did you know? ”  
       “ Its not the first time I ’ ve been called that. In fact, its Amber ’ s favorite way of referring to me when she talks about me. ”
       “ Doesn ’ t that upset you? ”
       “ It would if I was, but I ’ m not. ” Brandon smiles and Chris can see that mischievous twinkle return to his eyes as he gives her a quick kiss and tugs on her hand.
       “ Come on, lets run. ”
       Running up the steps with her camera bouncing against her hip, Chris sees Barb sitting on the porch swing. Laughing and out of breath, Chris places her hands on her knees and Brandon plops down in the chair. Barb looks at Brandon and smiles.
       “ Brandon you know Chris “ is ” allowed to ride in your car now. ” Brandon grins at Barb as Chris sits down next to her on the swing.
       “ I know, but it ’ s more fun walking her home. ” Barb smiles and gets up.
       “ Do you two want something to drink? A soda or ice tea maybe? ”
       “ A soda will be fine. ”
       “ Chris? ”
       “ Ice tea please. Thanks mom. ” Barb walks into the house and  Brandon gets up and moves over to sit by Chris. Pulling up her shirt and pushing down on the top of her jeans, Chris looks at the red mark on her hip where the camera was bouncing against it and frowns. “ I am going to have a bruise. ”
    Brandon looks at the red mark and touches it gently.
       “ I ’ ll kiss and make it better for you. ”
    Chris puts her shirt down and puts her arms around his neck.
       “ You can do that on Wednesday, if you want. ” Brandon moves his hand up from her waist and playfully pinches her nipple through her shirt and Chris gives him a mock, “ Ouch ”
       “ I can kiss that and make it better on Wednesday too. ”
    Chris smiles. “ I ’ d like that. ” Chris pushes his hand down. “ Now behave yourself. ”
    Barb comes back out with their drinks.
       “ Brandon where is your car at? ”
       “ I left it at home and rode to practice with Brent. He took Wendy to get pizza and then he ’ ll pick me up when he drops her off. ”
        “ Okay, well I should get busy, do you want to stay for dinner tonight? ”
       “ No, I can ’ t. I ’ m taking my parents to the airport tonight. ”
    Barb smiles. “ Where are they going? ”
       “ They are spending a week in Mexico. ”
       “ Okay, well you know you ’ re welcome to come over anytime while they are gone. ”
    He smiles and tells Barb thanks. After Barb goes in Brandon whispers to Chris, “ I wonder if she ’ d let me spend the night? ”
    Chris laughs. “ Oh you are funny. ”
    Brandon finishes his soda just as Brent pulls up and honks.
       “ Gotta go! ”   Brandon gives her a quick kiss and whispers to her.
       “ I love you. ”
    Chris touches his lips.
       “ I love you too. ”
    Brandon starts to walk down the steps, stops and looks back at her.
       “ Remember, I won ’ t see you tomorrow, but I ’ ll pick you up at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. ”
       “ I know. Don ’ t forget to hit me a homerun, okay? ”
       Wednesday morning lying in bed, Chris looks at the clock. Groaning to herself, it ’ s only ten till six, and it ’ s too early to get up yet. She took her bath last night, shaved her legs, and her underarms, and then slathered herself in baby oil. Raising her arm above her head she glides her hand

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