First Time with the Fraternity
have, because in line for college registration, she tried to flirt with a cute guy—a jock with wide swimmer’s shoulders—and he said she seemed really sweet. 
    That was it. He didn’t ask for her number. Didn’t try to flirt back. Didn’t seem interested at all. And it wasn’t just the swimmer. Guys at the college book store didn’t hit on her either. At her first party, when she pretended to be drunk in order to entice a really hot senior to kiss her, he told her that he was so close to graduation he really wasn’t ready to start something new and serious.
    Lexi wasn’t looking for serious! She just wanted to know what it felt like to kiss a guy just because she could. So, by the end of her first week, she spent some time in front of a mirror scrutinizing her appearance. It’s true that she had a petite, girlish figure, rather than big bouncy breasts and long legs. But she was cute! She had long lashes, dimples, curvy hips, and upturned breasts—not that her long skirts and oversized sweater-sets emphasized those things. 
    The problem might be that she’d been the valedictorian of her class…and she looked like it. So she’d have to apply her studious nature to the problem at hand. If she wanted to get any action at all, she probably needed a makeover. 
    The popular sorority girls wore midriff baring tops with tight jeans and gravity defying high heels, but where would Lexi get the money to buy clothes like that if she dared? She’d be damned if she took another dime from her father. And while her scholarship paid for tuition and books, she had to earn everything else working in the kitchen at the dining hall, where all she could do was envy the popular girls who traveled in packs, usually trailed by a bunch of going frat guys…
    She wasn’t sure what first gave her the inspiration. Maybe it was watching those guys flirt with girls they couldn’t have while Lexi secretly pined for their attention behind the lunch counter. Maybe it was overhearing the filthy things the frat brothers said about those girls when they thought no one was listening. When one of the guys of Lambda Phi made a crude comment about how the frat ought to pool resources and hire a hooker to share to take the edge off the sexual frustration, Lexi hit upon the solution to her problem. 
    If only she could muster up the courage…
    Her hands were shaking when she went to bus the table where three of the Lambda Phi’s were finishing up their sandwiches and sodas. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” she began, startling them into noticing her. “But I heard what you said about sexual frustration.”
    The tallest one looked up at her. Drew was his name; he was in her early morning chemistry class. He was long and lanky with a mop of long dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. Other girls seemed to find him very attractive, and Lexi did too; so much so that she nearly lost her nerve when he blushed and said, “I’m sorry; my friends and I were just joking around. We can be really insensitive jackoffs—”
    “Don’t be sorry,” Lexi said, her belly fluttering with excitement and fear. If this went wrong, if they turned her down, it would be the most humiliating day of her whole life. But if it went right—well, it would all be worth it! “I just wanted to say that I’m sexually frustrated too, and maybe we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
    She intended for her words to sound sultry and suggestive, but worried they came across as business-like as they sounded in her head. At least until Drew’s blue eyes flared with surprise, and sudden sexual interest. While his friends tittered at her forwardness, Drew looked her up and down—not that there was much to see given that she was wearing an apron—but when he met her eyes again, he grinned. “Ok, wow. I like a girl who goes after what she wants. I’m Drew…”
    “I know,” she said, which made him puff up a little bit with his own self-importance. “I’m

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