Beast Machine
that you could give people money, scholarships, housing, healthcare
and perfect options, but people would always find ways to ruin it.
He knew that humans were full of an incredible amount of faults,
genetically and otherwise, and those faults would ultimately end
humanity, intentionally or not. He had almost no faith in the
general populace of humanity, though he cared deeply about nearly
all humans.
    Chairman Obelis would often
tell Jeffrey that the “Teach a Man to Fish” quote was a load of
horseshit and fooled even the smartest men into thinking that they
could help everyone, simply by providing options of education,
food, shelter, money, and so forth.
    “ Now Jeffrey, humans have
dominated this planet because of our minds and our ability to use
tools – complex tools. We have moved past needing to be full of
brawn, testosterone and animalistic instincts. We need to use our
minds to create new tools that our minds will use to further our
knowledge. We need to create tools that will help the masses in
deciding what to do. As I’ve always told you, the masses are
significantly ignorant on nearly all technological advances and
human history, among other topics.
    “ They know how to eat,
shit, drive their cars, do menial work, watch television and
produce equally stupid spawns of themselves; what the hell are they
doing to help mankind? Adding more mouth breathers to the gene
pool? We can’t help them merely with education, we can’t help them
by providing healthcare and there’s no way we can help them if we
give them more money to spend on God knows what. They’re entirely
incapable of thinking critically and thinking about the bigger
picture! Humans and their governments have effectively neutered the
population to the point that they’re just skinbags, mouth-breathers
and pseudo-intellectuals repeating political, religious or academic
rhetoric that they don’t even understand!
    “ We need to be able to
control – erm, guide the masses that can’t help control themselves, then after a
few generations I am hopeful that with the decisions we make for them that they
will become autonomous and not hamper mankind’s progress. I hate
calling my fellow man ‘mouth-breathers’ because I love humanity,
but the mouth-breathers need to be bred out of humanity otherwise
we’ll all be mouth-breathers in a few short decades or
    Jeffrey had always been
quite glad that he was selected as Chairman Obelis’s assistant out
of over five hundred thousand applicants, but, unknown to Jeffrey,
was merely selected for his lack of any close family members, and
his handful of degrees in quantum computer science didn’t hurt his
chance either.
    He was offered an
incredible salary from Chairman Obelis right after their meeting
together, a mere three years ago. Jeffrey was becoming the biggest
asset Chairman Obelis ever had, and ever needed. Not to mention
that Jeffrey fully believed in what Chairman Obelis wanted to do.
“Few men want to achieve greatness for humanity,” thought Jeffrey. “What
better person is there to work for?”
    Jeffrey continued his
thoughts, “Chairman Obelis was on the frontlines doing whatever was
necessary! Chairman Obelis stayed in the huts with the Fulani tribe
in West Africa to see how badly insects were destroying their crops
and children, he braved the arctic temperatures in Nunavut with
Inuit tribes trying to hunt down whales for sustenance, and he
slept on the ground of woman’s shelter in Chicago for a week
guarding the shelter to show the women that they were worth
something to someone. All without a film crew or press release.
Chairman Obelis just did what he felt was necessary to help others
get through a night.”
    “ Are they on their way,
Jeffrey?” shouted Chairman Obelis as he was still slowly rotating
and pointing, rotating and pointing, rotating and pointing. Jeffrey
was sure we was soon about to hear beeps and boops coming out of his boss’
    “ Yes,

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