Deadly Memories (Hardy Brothers Security Book 18)

Free Deadly Memories (Hardy Brothers Security Book 18) by Lily Harper Hart

Book: Deadly Memories (Hardy Brothers Security Book 18) by Lily Harper Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harper Hart
continued. “I’m sure he’s had time to cool off and things will be fine.”
    “Studly, huh?”
    “Incredibly studly.”
    “I’m going to show you how studly I am right now,” Grady said, flattening his tongue and licking the gentle slope of Sophie’s neck, causing her to involuntarily shiver. “I’m going to wow you with my studliness, in fact.”
    “Less talk and more … studding,” Sophie ordered, giggling as Grady cupped her breasts. She moved to turn around, but Grady forced her to remain where she was, pressing his chest to her back as he lowered his free hand down her flat abdomen and slipped a finger inside of her. “Oh.”
    “Am I studly enough yet?” Grady whispered.
    “Close … but I might need a little more convincing.” Sophie was breathless as Grady rubbed her, lost in euphoric bliss even as he positioned himself for entry behind her. “I … oh … wow.”
    “Shh,” Grady whispered, pressing his lips to her neck. “If you don’t quiet yourself, the neighbors are going to think we’re doing lewd things in the back yard.”
    “We are doing lewd things in the back yard.”
    “Well, as long as you’re fine with them knowing,” Grady said, moving one of his hands to Sophie’s hip to steady her as he rubbed his length against her ready opening. “I love you, sugar.”
    He slid inside, groaning in time with her welcoming moan and sinking lower in the water so the refreshing warmth could cover more of their bodies. It was spring, but the nights were still cool. He didn’t want her catching a cold when he was determined to heat her up.
    Sophie leaned her head to the side, meeting Grady’s lips over her shoulder as he shifted his hips. Grady picked a slow pace, teasing Sophie with a deliberate tempo as he continued to rub her warm core.
    Before Sophie, he never thought it was possible to find one woman to fulfill his every need. Sophie did that and more for him, filling his heart with love and his body with passion. He would never get enough of her. There would never be enough days – or nights – of laughter and love. If they had nothing more than this for the rest of their lives, he knew he would be a happy man.
    Sophie whimpered as an orgasm claimed her, biting her lip to keep herself from crying out. Grady softly sucked on her neck as he increased his pace, tripping into nirvana before he even realized what was happening.
    His heart pounded as he held her, the water in the hot tub rushing around them as he clung to the only woman he would ever love.

    “ G OOD morning , stud,” Sophie teased, handing Grady a mug of coffee as he trudged out of the bedroom the next morning. Neither one of them were morning people, but Sophie felt invigorated after their night together and she was in a surprisingly good mood. Grady was another story.
    “Morning,” Grady muttered, taking the coffee. “What time is it?”
    “It’s almost eight,” Sophie replied, fighting the urge to laugh. His usually pristine hair – which he fussed over more than any man rightfully should – was scattered in eighty different directions and he still looked half asleep. “Why don’t you go back to bed? It looks as if you need a bit more rest.”
    “That’s because you woke me up twice last night.”
    “I didn’t hear you complaining then.”
    “That’s because I enjoyed how you did that waking,” Grady said. “This waking up is not the same. Give me five minutes and I’ll be back to my charming self. I can guarantee it.”
    Sophie grinned. “As much as I would like to hang around and watch you slowly climb out of your funk, I have to get to the office early today,” she said. “I don’t want to stay late tonight, so I need to get moving now.”
    “Fine,” Grady said, blowing out a dramatic sigh. “I should be rested and rejuvenated by the time you get home in case you’re in the mood for a repeat.”
    “I’ll consider it,” Sophie said, placing her empty coffee mug in the sink and leaning

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