Wolf Spell 1

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Book: Wolf Spell 1 by M.R. Polish Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.R. Polish
Tags: YA Paranormal Romance
through this. I didn’t know how, but I would.


    Escaping With the Legend
    – Arabeth –
    October 8, 2012
    I knew Meadow’s life was near an end, but it was too hard watching her sleep knowing her fate, so I stayed downstairs most of the time. I knew deep down that she wasn’t my mom, but it brought an ache to my heart when I thought about it. I just couldn’t be with her right now.
    I snuggled deeper into the corner of the couch, flung a small square pillow over my lap and stared out the window to the pool. I came to appreciate the large house in a short period of time. My favorite part was the variety of colorful plants that filled the corners with their broad leaves. The room I was the most comfortable staying in was the living room. It was bright, with floor to ceiling windows. There was a fireplace tucked into the corner of the room with glass doors, allowing anyone that cared to watch, see the flames when lit.
    It also had a great view of the backyard. Roman-like pillars lined a walkway that led to the pool. At night it was gorgeous, with solar lights adorning the edges, giving a royal feeling to the whole place.
    I inhaled the sweet scent of maple and sugar. My stomach growled in anticipation. I hadn’t eaten since I arrived yesterday. Today was no different, but every time someone brought food to me, I would gag. I hated how Victor forced me to stay under the same roof as vampires. It was upsetting enough that Meadow would be one soon enough.
    I let the sun warm my skin as it shone through the windows. My shoulders slumped, and I wrapped my arms around my knees that I brought to my chest, curling in to a ball. I shouldn’t be enjoying the warmth of the sun. I didn’t feel I deserved it while Meadow lay at death’s cold feet. I couldn’t understand the hold up. Why hadn’t Ree and Trevor turned her before now? What were they waiting for? I just wanted it over with so I could go home.
    Looking around the room, I noticed a small picture that sat on the bookshelf on the far wall. Getting up, I snatched it and brought it back to the sofa with me, setting it on my lap.
    I gazed at the happy couple in the photograph, but flinched when I realized the woman in the picture was Meadow. Squinting, I stared at the man closer. I didn’t understand how it was Victor. What other secrets had they kept from me?
    They were so happy in the photograph. I stared down at the picture for what seemed like forever, focusing on their faces and how he held Meadow around the waist. How could that be if he’d just met her a year ago?
    Tears threatened to surface. “I wish I knew the truth,” I whispered to the picture. Somehow, I believe that it heard me.
    Looking up, my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, noticing that the sun began to set.
    I still fidgeted with the picture and the daydreams that accompanied it, staring off into a void. A shadow crossed my vision, interrupting my thoughts.
    “Hey,” I managed to murmur.
    “Did I scare you?” Jarak raised his eyebrows. “You seem tense.”
    “No, you didn’t,” I lied.
    His smile was wide. “Great. Come on, you haven’t eaten anything since coming here. Let’s go make something together because I’m starving.”
    My stomach growled again as a response and my cheeks warmed in embarrassment. “Dinner sounds good.”
    Jarak held his hand out for me to take. I eagerly accepted. Somewhere in this house lurked vampires, and I wasn't too sure if I trusted them yet. In the living room, I considered myself safe because it was large and spacious with enough room to move around in. Even though they were faster than I was, it still gave me a sense of security amidst strange new surroundings.
    I watched Dracula for a project in high school. I didn’t care what Hollywood wanted us to believe. Vampires were not sparkly and clearly not meant to be trusted. It was hard enough to stay in the house without worrying if I would wake up to fangs in my neck. I

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