Wolf Spell 1

Free Wolf Spell 1 by M.R. Polish

Book: Wolf Spell 1 by M.R. Polish Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.R. Polish
Tags: YA Paranormal Romance
year her powers grow. We can’t keep making excuses when she does something. The next time she might figure it out.”
    I pushed my ear up to the wall so I could hear better but stubbed my toe on the edge of the bar stool. “Ouch.” I tried to whisper as I grabbed my foot, hopping around on one leg.
    “Shh…” my dad whispered. He walked into the kitchen. “Ara, what are you doing? Are you okay?”He was always so protective over me.
    “Yeah, I just stubbed my toe coming in the house. Why are you guys arguing again?”
    “It’s not any of your business. Your mom and I just don’t always get along.”
    “I heard something about powers… what are you talking about?”
    “The power bill. Your dad forgot to pay it again.” My mom came and took my arm. “Come on. Let me look at your toe.”
    I shook my head. “No, it’s fine.
    A knock at the door brought me out of my memory. I glanced down at Meadow sleeping soundly before getting up to answer it.

    – Jarak –
    I can’t concentrate. What’s wrong with me? I beat myself up over Esmerelda. I never expected to feel connected to her as her Guardian. I paced the hallway outside her mom’s room. I couldn’t shake the memory of her wide eyes as what they told her sunk in. I’d known just about everything concerning her and wanted to tell her on the plane, but I was a fool.
    I wished I could go back in time and tell her everything. Running my hands through my hair, I let out a deep breath. I couldn’t believe the secret life she had to live.
    “I just hope she trusts me,” I whispered to myself. I stopped pacing and stood in front of the door.
    I reached up and knocked, pushing it open a crack. I wanted to make sure she was okay. Somewhere deep inside, I needed to know.
    She rose from the bed when I entered. “Hey, I just came to make sure you’re okay.” That was lame. I couldn’t believe I didn’t come up with anything better. Then again, why should I care? She stirred something inside of me, but I was still unsure what it was.
    I watched her expression go from worried to angry. I took a step backward. I knew there wasn’t anything worse than an angry woman. “You,” she hissed as she lowered her clenched fists. Yeah, she was mad. She had every right to be.
    I held my hands up in surrender. “Wait, I can explain.”
    “You knew—you all knew everything and yet no one told me anything! You let me walk in here blind.” She narrowed her eyes.
    “Esmerelda, I’m sorry. I promise.”
    She cocked her head, and her eyes lit up. “You keep calling me that, but I’m Arabeth. If I spell it out will you get it? A-R-A-B-E-T-H.”
    That wasn’t what I wanted. I looked away, what I was supposed to say. Before I glanced back her way, she sprang from her spot and pounded her fists on my chest. I stood there letting her take out her frustrations. It would take more than a few puny pummels to my torso to hurt me. It was the least I could do for her.
    Something about her persona drew me to her. A certain part of her that made me sympathize with her pain. I closed my eyes and pushed those uninvited feelings away. I didn’t have the luxury of having feelings for anyone else. Especially her. Being her Guardian was all I should focus on and nothing more.
    I raised my hand and caught her small wrist. Her eyes were wide as if they pleaded with me for answers. Her fists stayed clenched within my grip and her lips parted, trembling with unspoken words.
    My body relaxed, and I loosened the hold I had on her. “Esmerelda, I’m so sorry—for everything.”
    I couldn’t stop myself. I pulled her in close, wrapping my arms around her, all the while yelling at myself internally. Her small frame fit perfectly next to mine making me feel more confused.
    “I’m sorry,” she whimpered against my chest. “I’m just torn up inside, so much has happened. I shouldn’t take it out on you.”
    I rested my cheek on her head. “I know.” I would help her

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