Flirting With Magick

Free Flirting With Magick by Leigh Bennett

Book: Flirting With Magick by Leigh Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Bennett
The thought of the mini- break reminded me of the weekends at cosy bed and breakfasts I had taken with Josh. I hadn’t been away since we broke up. I felt a little smug knowing I would be doing it all again with someone else. What’s more, it wasn’t going to be a romantic weekend. By all accounts, it would be the ultimate definition of a dirty weekend.
    The week at work was increasingly interesting. Bronwyn stormed out of Ray’s office and into her own, slamming the door behind her while Rachel and I looked on, eyes wide. She came out only minutes later and announced she was going home and not to expect her for the rest of the day. It was only eleven-thirty on Monday morning. In the afternoon, I conscientiously spent my time in the photocopy room with a pile of reports I had put aside for slow days. As the pages slowly stacked up in their separate bundles, my mind tuned out to the thought of the forthcoming weekend away with Scott, Kate, and Nathan; my regular Wednesday night date with Scott, which I was looking forw ard to — it definitely gave a new meaning to ‘hump’ day — and the apparent non -effects of my love spell, when I felt someone watching me. Startled , I whirled around to see Sean standing there, leaning against the doorframe , observing me go about my business.
    “Sorry. Did I scare you?” He smiled.
    “No, I heard you,” I lied, wondering how long he had actually been there and trying to decide if I found it creepy or exciting... or neither.
    “ You must have good hearing.” He swaggered towards me. “How long are you going to be?”
    “You can interrupt this if you like.” I pressed the suspend button on the photocopier and stepped aside, fanning the documents I was holding.
    “ How’s everything going?”
    “Fine thanks.” From where I stood next to him, I could smell his fresh, breezy aftershave as he placed his papers in the machine.
    “You appear to have settled in well.”
    I looked up at him, noticing the gold flecks in his dark blue eyes, not as arresting as Scott's, but noticeable just the same. He gathered up his papers and gave me a wink as he turned to exit; then he leaned towards me to whisper in my ear. “Nice skirt by the way, looks good on you.”
    Creepy? Or exciting?
    “Umm, thanks.” I smiled, feeling my face burn yet slightly pleased that he had noticed. I turned back to the copier and continued my task as he walked out the door.
    I invited Scott to stay at my place on Wednesday night in an effort to avoid the weary Thursday mornings that usually resulted from staying at his house. As we ate a casual dinner on my couch, our main topic of conversation was the weekend away in the cabin.
    “I was thinking about having a Christmas in July dinner.” I slurped my noodles messily then realised I was full.
    “Sounds good. I don’t get to eat food like that much anymore.” He got up and followed me into the kitchen, briefly scanning the phone bill I’d left on the bench.
    “Abigail Williams.” He mused. “Bin?”
    “That’s my name.” I pointed him towards the cupboard under the sink, stuck my chopsticks into my uneaten portion, and placed it in the fridge.
    “Isn’t that the name of the girl who accused all those people of witchcraft in Salem?”
    “Yes, it is.” I’d noticed that when I’d studied The Crucible in hig h school but hadn’t thought of it since. I remembered the spell and smiled. I guess my skills weren’t quite living up to her poor accusees' powers, whether they were real or not.
    Back in the living room, I sat on his knee and gave him a long kiss on his soft lips.
    ‘ What was that for?” He grinned, moving a lock of hair off my face.
    “Isn’t that why you’re here?”
    “Hmm, yes I suppose it is.” He traced his finger down my cheek. “I guess we’re in for an early night.” It was only seven-thirty in the evening. “But it makes up for last week.”
    Scott was familiar to me now. I knew every freckle on his

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