Finally Getting Love Right

Free Finally Getting Love Right by Jamie Nichols

Book: Finally Getting Love Right by Jamie Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Nichols
what?” Kylee said but Sam was already gone. The group filtered into the lounge and all sat down next to Charlee.
    Five minutes late Max finally arrived. He was trembling. Sam took his arm and they walked the back way to the stage. They were careful not to get caught as they snuck up the stage stairs and ducked behind the curtain. When they were safely behind the curtain Max turned and stared at Sam.
    “what are you staring at?” Sam said.
    “Are you going to tell me what the lemons for?”
    “The lemon is to suck on.”
    “What?” Max asked confused.
    “It’s for your nerves.” Sam said laughing at the twisted look on his face.
    “Again I ask. What?”
    “It has always helped me.” Sam started as she placed the mic on her head. “thirty seconds before show time, you suck on a lemon wedge for ten seconds. Then you throw it away and step on stage. It takes your mind off of what you are about to do.”
    “Ok, I think I get it.” Mas said as Tj appeared.
    “Everyone is here. Are you two ready?” Tj said.
    “Everyone? The parents are here too right?” Max asked.
    “Yes, even the parents.” Tj stated.
    “It’s show time.” Sam said. She took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage. “Hello everyone. This song is dedicated to Charlee from Max.” Charlee’s face contorted from anger to curiosity. She still thought Max wasn’t coming.
    Sam walked to the piano and sat down. She paused for a moment to steady her breathing. Turning to the audience she said “Ladies and gentleman, I have a special guest for you tonight. Please welcome my special guest Max Hughes.”
    Sam began playing the song on the piano as Max walked out on stage. Eight bars into the song they both started singing. When they concluded the song there was a round of applause. Max put the microphone up to his mouth and waited for it to stop.
    “Charlee, Can you please come up here and join me.” He said as sam walked off stage and took a seat in the front row. Everyone watched as Charlee slowly made her way up to the stage.
    When Charlee got about two feet from Max, he knelt down on one knee pulling the ring out of his pocket at the same time. Charlee gasped.
    “Charlee” Max began “I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. You are my Soul mate. I would be so honored if you would be my wife.
    “Yes. Yes. Of course I will.” She said taking the ring and putting it on her finger. Max stood up and kissed her. There was another round of applause.
    Tj stood up and said “Dinner is served.”
    Everyone scrambled to the long table that had been set up. They looked like a bunch of scavengers. Sam spotted George still sitting in the same spot. He wasn’t in a hurry to get to the table like everyone else was. Sam walked over to him with a smile.
    “Not hungry?” She asked.
    “Oh I am. I thought I would wait for my date to arrive.” He said.
    “I see. Well has your date arrived yet?” Sam asked.
    “Well I am going to eat.” Sam said starting to walk away.
    “Wait a minute.” He said standing up.
    “What can I do for you?”
    “You can give your date a hug.” He replied holding out his hand.
    “I can do you one better.” Sam said leaning over and kissing his cheek. Blushing she walked over to join everyone else. George followed behind her trying to catch up. “Everyone this is George.” She said sitting down.
    “Hi” Everyone said through mouths full of food. Sam noticed the looks she was getting. She was grateful that she had her friends though. They never questioned her in front of him. She knew there would be questions later when he wasn’t around.
    Sam spent the rest of the evening enjoying herself. She flirted shamelessly all night with George. They decided to leave before the cake came. They walked around the table saying goodbye to everyone. When they got outside the air was chilly. George told his limo driver to follow them back to her house. He grabbed the keys to the Lamborghini and

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