The Brit

Free The Brit by Jordan Silver

Book: The Brit by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
and mine, all mine, only mine.
    "Anyone ever touches you I'll kill them." She arched her back beneath me , as I kept up my steady thrusts in and out of her depths. This night I needed to go deeper than I'd ever gone before.
    With my eyes holding hers , I rocked into her, before taking her lips in a seething kiss, her hair caught tightly in my fists.
    "Say it. .."
    Her voice caught on her words, as she concentrated only on that part of me that was inside of her. I buried my cock deep and stayed still.
    "Say the words Joanna."
    It took her a few seconds to catch her breath , but eventually she gave me what I wanted, what I needed.
    "I'm yours."
    Pulling out, I made my way down her body, licking and nipping as I went.
    "Open…wider… good girl."
    With her legs spread as wide as they would go , I licked her sweet pussy; her essence on my tongue drove me mad. Her hands in my hair, nails digging into my scalp; was all the encouragement I needed.
    Spreading her little flower open , I ate her to my heart's content; sticking my tongue as far up inside her as I could reach, her sweet ass held firmly in my hands, pulling her tighter against my mouth.
    " Jonathan..." She writhed under my ministrations. I felt the slight trembling in her body, before I was rewarded with a mouthful of her juices.
    She covered her face with a pillow to hide her screams. Couldn't have that, I wanted to revel in them, wanted them to ring out in the room.
    Nipping her thighs, I made my way back up her body, and without a word spoken, turned her onto her hands and knees, and sunk home.
    "Ohhhhhhh ..."
    Her long , drawn out breath, her fists clutching the sheets, was all I needed to know that she was enjoying this, my rough treatment of her. I latched onto her neck with my teeth; it had been a while since I'd marked my territory. Her pussy clenched around my cock as she pushed back against me taking me in deeper.
    The slap , slap, slap, of our bodies in the room was almost vulgar, but it just added to the intensity of what I felt, what I always felt, when she was under me.
    My teeth in her neck my cock in her belly , that still wasn't enough, I needed more, needed all of her. I took her tits in my hands, palming the hard nipples as I squeezed and pulled on them.
    "I'm going to fuck you until the sun comes up, then I'm going to give you a bath, bring you back here, and fuck your sweet ass..."

    I'm not sure yet of what happened overnight, but the next morning there was no sign of Natalie at the breakfast table, and I couldn't drum up the energy to care one way or the other. Everyone else seemed to be in decent spirits including Donald, who was busy putting away his usual healthy helping of what's called a full Irish.
    Joanna had been a bit unsure of her welcome. Silly girl was under the impression that she'd muddied the waters so to speak, but I'd gone above and beyond the call of duty to assure her, that nothing could be farther from the truth. She was looking none the worse for wear, considering I'd kept my word and ridden her hard last night and into the wee hours of the morning.
    She'd proven her mettle , by staying with me all the way. Even after I'd given her a nice leisurely bath, where I'd once again taken her up against the tub, before taking her back to our bed to carry out my diabolical threat of ass fucking her. That too had been spectacular; in fact I could hardly wait to do it again.
    "Good morning kids , I trust you had a good night after all the evening's theatrics."
    "Thanks mum we did." I had to answer since my wife to be's face had become blush red, and she was busy trying to disappear into my side, before I sat her. It would be fascinating as time goes on, to see how long it took her to overcome her innate shyness. I quite enjoyed it, truth be known, but if she kept it up, I'm afraid people would always know when I'd had her.
    I sat with my arm on the back of her chair , after I'd filled a plate for her. We were both ravenous, and

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