
Free MoonNight by Renee Thacker

Book: MoonNight by Renee Thacker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Thacker
four o’clock.   Exactly two hours to pick up the Ricolis and be in that clearing.
    The keys were in the ignition, doors unlocked.   That is very much like Carson to be the risky hotshot.   The car was fast which was good; the desolate highways had no speed limit.   The way there I almost crashed three times due to nervousness.       The gas station came in to view, connected to a Starbucks.   I parked crooked, jammed the keys in to my pocket, and then walked inside.   I spotted the Ricolis staring at their untouched lattes.   They were all there.   Heather, Jason, Rifle, and Lea.   I slid in to my chair nodding to them.
    “Hi Leslie.   I brought this flower for you.”   Lea tucked the midnight blue daisy in my hair.
    “Thanks, ” I smiled at her.   It was horrible what I planned within the next hour.   But I was pretty sure the four of them could take on Alex.  
    “So where’s the party at?”   Heather asked in her sing songy voice.  
    “Oh at this park in a nice little clearing.”   Death party , I thought to myself.   “Did you bring your car?”
    “Car?”   Rifle snorted.   “That’s for human travel.   Although we did take a plane to get across the ocean.”  

“Okay well we better get going.”
    The waitress looked at us strangely as we left the lattes there.   Five seats in the car was a perfect fitting for all of us.   Of course I would be driving since I knew where the “Party ”   was being held.   I made some witty banter hoping they wouldn’t notice the edge in my voice.   My fingers were as white as the vampires from gripping the wheel so hard.   I could turn back right now.   It was only ten minutes away.   I could turn around right now and confess everything to everybody.   The werewolves Carson, Loren, Regan, Dimitri, and Jeremy, to the vampires, Heather, Jason, Rifle, and Lea.   But this was much to needed.
    “So what’s this party for?”   Jason asked.
    “It’s... um... supposed to be a... surprise.”   I gave a fake smile.
    The car ride there was difficult for me.   We finally made it to the parks lot.   We would meet in the clearing.  
    “I don’t see a party.”   Lea clutched her teddy bear to her chest once we got out.
    “I know it’s up ahead just through the trees.”   I pointed out.   “Just follow me.”   I walked the four of them over.   We, well, I, tripped and fell swearing bullets.   Until we made it to the clearing.  
    “I still don’t see the party, ” Lea whimpered still holding her teddy.
    “I know let’s just-”
    A deep growling sound came from deep within Jason’s throat.   His face darkened.
    “The girl lied, ” he growled.   I knew he was talking about me.   How did he know?
    “Lea!”   Heather desperately called out.   She was nowhere.   Just then Alex came out of the trees holding a knife to Leas throat.   The sweet vampire still clutched her teddy bear yelling, “Mommy!   Daddy!”   Behind Alex snaking her hands around his shoulders.   She brought her lips close to his ear and whispered something.  
    “Yes, she says she still want your death for killing her Damen.   I’m guessing your other werewolf friends didn’t tell you everything about our transformations.   We can transform at any time we want, but we’re still forced at the full moon.   So once I change you I am no longer responsible for you.”
    “Leslie?”   Leas sweet high-pitched voice rang out in the silence.   “Is it true?”
    “Tell her, ” Tarun slithered flicking her tongue like a snake.   “Tell them you’d rather be turned then save them.   Tell them you planned this out.     Now we get the vampires and i get your death to myself.   What does your lover-boy think?   Does he know of this?   Don’t you think that if he really loved you he would turn you himself?”
    I tried no to show that her venom in every word had stung me, although they really did.
    “He loves me, ” I said.   “He

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