Best Laid Plans

Free Best Laid Plans by Robyn Kelly

Book: Best Laid Plans by Robyn Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Kelly
the sort of
behavior I tolerate.” I’m babbling. I just need to stall him enough to get this
door locked so I can put some distance between us.
    I recite every corny sales
line I can remember, while I struggle with the lock and my chattering teeth. “Your
business means a lot to us. We strive to go the extra mile for you. Our
customers always come first.”
    “Not tonight, Jillian. Like I
told you earlier, I’m not the one who will be coming first.” He grabs the door
handle, pulls it open, and drags me inside.
    The only illumination in the
room comes from the streetlight that shines through the windows, and I find
myself pinned between the wall and Jackson. He feels so warm, I lean into him.
    “You’re freezing.” He rubs
his hands up and down my arms and I begin to defrost. When his hands rub other
parts of my body, I realize I’m making the same mistake again.
    “Shouldn’t you be checking on
your mother? She probably doesn’t know anyone.”
    “I sent her home after dinner.
She doesn’t like loud music.” His hands move down to my thighs.
    “I can save her a piece of
cake, if you’d like.”
    “Aren’t you thoughtful,” he
says sarcastically. “Worried about my mother, apologizing for your behavior, handing
out tissues, and giving Bryan his dream party. I’ve got a room full of people
who believe I planned this big production. Why would you let them think that? I’ve
spent my life disappointing my family.”
    I need to keep it light. I
also need to press my thighs together as tightly as I can. “Hard to believe one
party can undo a lifetime of hard work.”
    His hands still. “I wanted a
simple dinner.”
    “Then why did you give me
$150,000?” I know why, but I want to hear him say it.
    He steps back. “Where’s the
damn light switch?”
    I step to my right and flip the
switch. The harsh fluorescents blink on while he studies me.
    “So Bryan’s party…that wasn’t
you throwing the money back in my face?”
    “Honestly, I was trying to
justify a higher fee.”
    “You were supposed to do a
simple dinner and then keep the rest of the money. I thought I made that clear.”
    I sigh. “Has anything ever been clear between us?”
    He shakes his head. “I told
you I wanted you. The women I’ve dated know what that means.”
    I think of Pippa. “How have
those women been working out for you?”
    The tight set of his jaw lets
me know Jackson isn’t a fan of sarcasm, either. “There’s always been an understanding.
I take care of them, and they take care of me.”
    So there it is. I was supposed
to be the next Pippa. “You were trying to buy my love?”
    “I have no interest in buying
love. That money was intended as an incentive to play with me.”
    I should be offended, but it
was a lot of money. Plus, he thinks I’m as attractive as Pippa—or was I
just low-lying fruit? “I guess my price has gone down since you found out I
wasn’t kinky.”
    “I don’t believe so. You’re a
very responsive woman.” He takes my head in his hands. “I’ve never trained a
brand new submissive. I might be able to get exactly the woman I want. Someone
who doesn’t have to unlearn all those bad habits.”
    His lips brush against mine
and then he tilts his head back to gauge my reaction. This is a different
Jackson than the one behind the altar. That man commanded and dominated. This
man is all gentle seduction. I just have to remind myself that gentle doesn’t
mean sincere.
    I try to think of a good exit
line until his mouth comes down on mine and his tongue parts my lips. I
surrender to his kiss, and a small part of me hates myself for doing it. Our
tongues dance and explore, and I don’t know how long we stand there before he
comes up for air.
    “When was the last time you
had sex?”
    “With someone else?” Filter,
Jillian. Get your mouth filter on.
    He chuckles. “That’s a good
start. The way you’re reacting, it was either very recent or very long ago.”
    I think. When was it?

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