River of Lies

Free River of Lies by Sammy King

Book: River of Lies by Sammy King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sammy King
my knees.  He rolled slightly so I could lift my legs and kick them to the floor. Dylan continued his kissing exploration of my belly, coming to the top of the mound of fluff between my legs.  I sat up in shock, he had never kissed there before, and I was unsure. With a sturdy hand he pushed me back down onto my bed, and continued his onslaught of delicious kisses, all over my thighs as he ran his fingers through my pubic hair.
    Without notice, suddenly I felt his mouth cover my pussy and his tongue push deep inside. I let out a moan I had never felt like this before. I hadn’t had an orgasm, I had secretly read about them, when I went to the library and borrowed the romance books. But I didn’t know what to expect, I knew I wanted one. And with every lick Dylan made, with every suck and nip, I soon felt an ache deep inside. My eyes became blurry and instinctively I reached for his hair, as I pulled it lightly. I heard him groan, and the vibration on my pussy, sent that ache into a tingle. I moaned loud, I couldn’t hold it back, my hips rocked back and forth. Dylan’s licks became more fevered, as he held on tight to my hips and I bucked underneath his mouth. I lay there trying to catch my breath, my eyes were still blurred, and every part of me felt like it was on fire, that the lightest touch would be painful. I looked down at Dylan, who looked up at me, the smile on his face wide, excitement danced in his eyes. He swiftly moved up my body and I bit into his shoulder as he moved deep inside of me. 
    We made love several times that night, enjoying each other’s body and the feeling of being so close. We could see the light start to poke its head through my blinds, as we lay there, entwined in each other’s arms. My period still hadn’t come and I knew that I couldn’t keep it in any longer.
    “Dylan, I think I’m pregnant”
    He didn’t say anything, he just continued to smooth my hair and hold me tight against him.
    “We will work it out” he finally said, as he swung his legs out of bed, and put on his underwear. 
    He didn’t say anything as he left my room. I lay in my bed, with stickiness between my legs and an ache in my stomach caused by fear and stress, I flung myself out of bed, I had only enough time to throw my pyjama top on, before I ran for the toilet, and threw up violently and repetitively until it was nothing more than gagging.
    Chapter Nine.
    As I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror, I heard a car pull into the driveway. I made a quick dash into my room, and threw my shorts on that had been discarded in passion the night before. I heard the front door fling open, and when I poked my head out of the door, I could see Michael and Shelly coming into the hallway. Shelly gave me a wave as she went into the lounge room.  I went down to the lounge room and stood in the doorway.  Shelly was showing her new shoes off to Tilly.
    “Where’s dad?”
    Tilly looked up at me irritated, and shrugged her shoulders. I quickly worked out that he wasn’t home and that is why Michael and Shelly were here, as the bong got pulled out and stocked with dope.  The smell made me feel sick to my stomach and I could feel the colour start to drain from my face, as my knees began to wobble.  Just as I was about to collapse, Michael, who had been standing next to me, was able to catch my arm.  He propped me up with a firm arm around my waist, and guided me towards the hallway, while Shelly and Tilly seemed oblivious to what was happening, as we got to my bedroom door, I heard the back door open and my dad came through.  His face dropped when he saw me, I collapsed into his arms, as he ran towards me.  Between him and Michael they got me into my bed, sweat had formed on my forehead, and the nausea came in waves. I could hear my dad yelling and swearing in the lounge room, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying.  My ears were

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