The Laws Of Elios (Book 2)

Free The Laws Of Elios (Book 2) by R N Skye

Book: The Laws Of Elios (Book 2) by R N Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: R N Skye
    The next three to stand were secretaries of various ministers that related to commerce, magetech, and finance, explaining that their presence was to provide any assistance necessary from their respective ministries.  Ari leaned into Shew, “Get with them after this meeting and tell them we need money to pay the mage tech staff and funding for our intelligence work.”  Shew smiled and Ari nodded at the unspoken question.  “Everything you can.” Shew nodded back knowingly.
    Next the Prime Ministers Secretary , Jacques stood and introduced himself saying nothing more than that he would personally see to it that all messages for the prime minister would be received and that he had been asked to assist in any way possible.
    Shane stood next, “My name is Shane Chason,” he hated introducing himself, he held no titles he considered important and any that he could give himself seemed to be frivolous and boastful.  “I am a mage and the author of most of the mage tech that you are receiving to defend Luion from the Infin invasion.  I suppose at the moment I represent the glyph mages in Yllyan,” He nodded and sat feeling uncomfortable at being the youngest in the room.
    Shew stood, “my name is Shew, former head of intelligence of Infin during Allion the second’s rule; retired.  I’m here to increase, improve, and provide military intelligence for the Luion war effort.  If I tell you something then it’s true.  I’ll only tell you once.  If you doubt me or question me I’ll let you sit on your doubt and die; I don’t mess around with politics.  You pay me for action and results, not for my good manners.  I will work with the armed forces in structuring their military intelligence.  I will be in the field and other areas unknown and only those that need to speak to me will know how to get hold of me.  At these meetings I will be offering some high level briefings from time to time.  Other than that you will work through Monsieur Oiseau or his secretary for your intelligence needs.” 
    As Shew took his seat Shane looked around the room at the mix of expressions regarding the old spy’s introduction.  The looks ranged from a grinning Roger and Ari to an appalled astonishment on the Law and Order Ministers face to the approving nods from Admiral Cyrado and General D’Mere.
    Ari stood next , “Gentleman, my name is Ruari Desmond; some of you may know my brother Gerard who sits on the commerce advisory committee of the finance premier.  I am the former head of the Infin CSS.”  After a few mumbles and gasps from a few that were around the table he continued, “I was ordered killed by the King of Infin at the beginning of the war and like many of you fled to my home country of Luion.  I along with Shew will be over seeing intelligence I also will be working with Monsieur’s Oiseau and Chason on defense against magical attacks and military grade artifacts from the south.  There is obviously more but the less said outside of compartmentalized planning the better.”  Ari retook his seat.      
    Next it was Roger’s turn.  “I am Roger Oiseau, recently appointed director of unconventional warfare and intelligence.  I will be overseeing the intelligence gained through both traditional and nontraditional methods.  My department will also be your source for new artifacts of magetech design such as the medical kits and comm devices that have already been distributed to the Army and the Navy.  Since I will be in the field a lot of the time I will introduce you to my secretary.”  Reaching up he touched his ear and said, “Lieutenant Arvada please come in.” A serious looking but attractive young lieutenant entered the conference room; her red hair tucked smartly beneath her beret combined with her crisp class ‘A’ uniform conveyed proficiency and professionalism. Shane stood and pulled a chair in from against the wall and placed next to Roger. With her valise at her side, she

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