The Zyne Project

Free The Zyne Project by Sara Brooke

Book: The Zyne Project by Sara Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Brooke
couldn’t see anything because of her position.  She took Bryan’s head in her hands and shifted so that she could see him.
    And then, she screamed.
    Bryan’s eyes had rolled backwards and only the whites showed.  His tongue that had given her such pleasure only moments ago, was now hanging slack out of the side of his mouth. 
    He was dead.  And he was still inside her.
    Rosa rolled off the couch on to the floor, taking Bryan with her.  His body made a loud thud as it hit the ground.  Shrieking, she pushed as hard as she could, shoving his body away and searching for her clothes.
    As she threw on her clothes, she sobbed loudly.  Bryan didn’t deserved this.  None of them did. And now, the man she’d just had sex with was dead.  Unable to stare at Bryan’s sightless eyes one more minute; she snatched a blanket off one of the recliners and gently covered his body.
    Standing alone in the room, Rosa heard snarling in the distance. Suddenly, she remembered that Jennifer had been lying on the couch and was now missing.
    “Jennifer?” she called out.  Once again, she heard the same strange snarling sound.
    Not wanting to be caught off-guard, Rosa grabbed the knife she’d been carrying and headed towards the pool area.  She had a strong feeling that the doors would be locked, but decided to give it a try anyway.  As she yanked on the handles, the glass doors swung open easily, much to her surprise.
    Once outside, it was hard to breathe.
    The entire area was covered with yellow tarp that hung above the ground, fastened to the roof and extending over the pool deck.  It was taunt and bright, the hot Florida sun seeping through the yellow material.  The tarp was creating a greenhouse effect, making the pool area hot and humid.  Rosa looked around and could see shadowed shapes in the distance moving about.
    Trying not to draw attention to herself, she wiped her tears away, got on the ground and crawled over to one of the poolside tables. Climbing on to the table, she pulled out the knife and began trying to slice open the tarp.  It was tough and strong, but she shoved the tip of the knife against it and finally heard a pop as the yellow material snapped open. A sliver of clear blue peeked through, the sky clear and hot.  Gasping, Rosa worked on the hole, trying to make it larger when a nearby snarl caught her attention.
    Jennifer staggered out into the pool area, snarling and scratching her scalp.  Her head was full of bright red sprouts, her eyes wild with pain.  She stumbled for a moment, as if unsure where to go, but when her eyes connected with Rosa, she screeched and ran forward, arms outstretched.   Drool dripped from between her teeth down her neck and soaked into her halter top, which was dark with sweat. 
    Rosa stood frozen for a moment, unsure what to do.  She looked around quickly but it was too late.  Jennifer crashed into the table and sent it flying into the pool.  The force knocked the knife out of her hand and it dropped on to the deck. In a dizzying splash, Rosa fell into the water, and hit her head on the side of the table.  Darkness threatened to overtake her mind, but she fought back. Rising to the surface, she gasped and looked around quickly.  Jennifer was still standing on the deck, looking at her, grasping at the air as if trying to catch an invisible attacker. 
    Rosa ducked under the water and swam towards to the stairs, trying to get away from the madwoman.  She was close to the shallow end, when she felt a hand grab her leg.  As she turned around underwater, she could see Jennifer splashing and swimming towards her. 
    Rosa kicked out and connected with Jennifer’s face, managing to her free her leg.  She came up for air and gasped, just in time for Jennifer to come up behind her and try to grab at her shirt, mouth open… teeth bared.  Rosa struggled and pulled away but Jennifer leapt on top of her, dragging her underneath the water.
    Underwater, Rosa struggled and

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