The Navigator 2: We the People

Free The Navigator 2: We the People by Ben Winston

Book: The Navigator 2: We the People by Ben Winston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Winston
manifested in those of us you call Navigators. Because we are talking about evolution here, we must also accept the fact that it cannot be contained or controlled. The best we can hope for is to prepare and try to adapt to these changes. For now, only a few of us have the ability to Navigate. If, as I believe, the use of that ability brings about the advent of even more abilities, we must take the opportunity to learn from them and adjust to them.
    "I don't mean we need to quarantine or dissect anyone, or turn them into mind controlling assassins. I mean we need to be tolerant and supportive, because eventually, our whole race will develop these abilities. This is a very frightening subject, as well as it should be; the potential for disaster is incalculable, unless we prepare for it and adjust to it.
    "Take Jared as an example. He had a limited form of mind control or perhaps a better description would be persuasion. In his position as the Administrator of The Citadel, he had used his ability to begin to forge his own little kingdom. We know from witness’ testimony that he considered Navigators to be superior to 'humans'. That tells me he had already justified turning his back on humanity. His actions with The Citadel only support that. That cannot be allowed to happen again. We need a normal person, one familiar with administering odd organizations in charge out there. I suggested my wife's new friend Sharon as a good candidate because of her past experiences in that capacity." Joe grinned, "Before you ask, no; I have no desire to pursue anything more than a professional relationship with her, regardless of what my wife and she may have.
    "If we can create an atmosphere that is supportive of these changes, as well as the people they are happening to, I believe we will be in a much better position to influence those individuals enough to help mitigate the god complex many would develop without that guidance or support. If we can help them keep faith in humanity and help them continue to see themselves as members of our race, I feel we will see far less issues when this comes to pass. Ladies and Gentleman, we're talking about the evolution of the human mind here, this will happen. It is happening now, as we speak. The question is, do we try to help it along, or do we try to stop it from happening?
    "Please keep in mind, I am not an expert or a professional in this subject. I am simply a person with a unique perspective on this situation, and I am offering you my thoughts. Please do with them as you will. However, before you make a decision, there is another that would like to offer testimony for you to consider, with your permission, I will ask her to join us," Joe finished. 'Are you ready, Cassie?'
    'As ready as I'll ever be,' she replied. 'Are you sure they won't shoot me for doing this?'
    'I cleared it with security already, you should be safe; just come in next to me," Joe replied.
    "Of course, Major. Please proceed," Mister Young said after getting a nod from those at the table.
    Joe bowed his head in acknowledgment. "Ladies and gentlemen, May I present to you, Miss Cassandra Lane, the original Navigator."
    When Joe finished speaking, Cassie dropped into real space beside him. She bowed to the chairman and the rest of the table. "Thank you for allowing me to speak to you today. In my absence from your service, I have been searching out others like myself and Major Anderson in an effort to protect them from hostile governments. That effort expanded, and currently we have a community of gifted people numbering four hundred and eighty-two.
    "These people are not Navigators, but they have developed abilities that would have gotten the attention of a certain government agency within the United States intelligence community. That agency hunts us and attempts to capture, but failing that, kill us. Some of us were rescued from this agency while the attempted capture was being made. Those in my community have lost loved ones in

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