Cry of the Wolf
Catch Up

    Sunday, March 15, 2013 9:45 AM
    AFTER traveling on the road for about 2 and a
half hours, we stop in Beaumont to grab a bite to eat. We decide to
eat at McDonald's. This seemed to cheer us all up. Well, pretty
much anything would've cheered Sandy and me up after a miserable
16th birthday, one we soon wouldn't forget.
    First, I find out my home is being ransacked
because of me, Destiny Phoenix. Then, I lose my parents in the
ensuing fight while finding a long lost brother. Later on I find
out that I'm angel born human with a twin named Faith, who turns
out to be my best friend Sandra Carpenter.
    After that, I learn of an arranged marriage
between my parents and the Carpenters to, none other than, my very
own boyfriend, Chris Carpenter, himself. Later in the midst of it
all, we pledge ourselves to one another on holy ground, Autumn
First Methodist Church.
    And before the day ends, my family is given a
new role in life as Paranormal Investigators for the government.
Oh, did I mention the numerous attempts on our lives? Good grief.
There's only so much a person can take in one day.
    And now we are on our way to our first
official mission for the PIA. We are sent to investigate and solve
the mysterious, the weird, the wild, and freaky.
    I have to walk the straight and narrow due to
strange dreams that I have been having over the last few hours of
children I know nothing about.
    Shortly, we shall reach a small town in
Louisiana called Jasper Springs. There are reports of a wildly
bloodthirsty beast. I wonder how we’re going to deal with this
    Well, I better get some rest before we
arrive. I have a feeling this is not going to be fun. Another day
running from God knows what.
    We finish eating at the McDonald's in
Beaumont just off Highway 90 and, then, rest for a few as we cut
up, laughing, and having fun. After a few minutes, we leave and
head back out on the road.
    On to Jasper Springs, Louisiana to find the
man-eating beast that's terrorizing the town. Great.

One: Jasper Springs, Louisiana

    12:10 PM
    HOURS after leaving Beaumont, Texas we arrive in the small town
of Jasper Springs, Louisiana. This town is located right off of
Interstate 10. The first thing you see upon arrival is the local
Wal*Mart .
    We turn right off the highway and pull into
the parking lot of the Hilton, the only one in town. We get two
rooms. These rooms are small, but adequate.
    Chris and I collapse on the bed after we
enter our room and throw the bags on the floor out of exhaustion. I
snuggle up to my hubby, still can't believe it, as my eye lids get
    I hear Brandon on the phone in the other room
as I fall asleep. Not more than ten minutes later, I hear this
awful buzz saw sound coming from Chris. Oh my God, how did I ever
sleep through this before?
    I turn on the TV thinking that this will help
me relax and get some sleep. This does not help. His snoring is
keeping me awake. I was promised to this? Ugh.
    I hear a light tapping at my room's door. Who
could it be?
    "Des?" I hear through the door.
    "Yeah," I groggily say as I get out of the
    And not paying attention to where I am
walking, I am a klutz, I trip over my bag and fall onto the ground.
Wham! Thwap!
    There just went my knee! My eyes, then, bug
out of my head as I want to scream bloody murder. I roll on the
ground for a moment or two holding onto my knee trying to bear the
    "You okay," I hear Sandy say through the
    "No, my knee, I think it went out again," I
say through the pain. Yeah, that's right, again. I hurt this knee
in middle school playing volleyball. I landed wrong and my knee
blew. And it's done so today as well.
    "Let me get, Brandon," Sandy says as I crawl
towards the door.
    "Just hang on, I'm almost to the door." I say
as I make it over to the door.
    I grab the door handle and get myself back up
on my feet as I hop on one leg while opening the door. Standing
before me are Brandon and Sandy. I awkwardly stand as I have

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