Imperfect Love
you’d do it!”
    “Well, I did. Get. Your. Ass. Out. Of. Bed!”
    “Coward, coward, coward,” Josie sang.
    She could honestly be such a pain sometimes.
    “If you want it to happen so badly, why don’t you go kiss him?”
    “I’m married, so I can’t. And I do have morals, I’ll have you know.”
    Holly could in no way be upset with these two, so just ended up shaking her head and smiling.
    “I’m not going to live out your fantasy. Poor guy, in the state I was in, he would have probably ended up in the ER himself.”
    With all three giggling, it was quite a sight to behold.
    “I’ll give you five minutes to get out of this tent, or else I’m sending Jake in.” Bernie’s finger was in Holly’s face now.
    “Fine, you win,” Holly stuck her tongue out. “Just let me put on another shirt. This one is soaking wet.”
    “Leave it on, it looks like you’ve just taken part in a wet T-shirt contest. The boys will love it.”
    “My boobs are seriously not wet T-shirt competition worthy.”
    “Holly, you can always make them bigger.”
    “No, thanks. There is a reason why they are so small. I’m not going to tamper with that.”
    “Four minutes, Holly, and counting.” Bernie wiggled her eyebrows and exited the tent.
    Without wasting another second, Holly got up and started looking for a shirt in her bag. It would be just her luck if Jake walked into her tent after three and a half minutes, asking her what she wanted.
    Sometimes, her friends annoyed the crap out of her, but they both had good hearts and would always have her back, no matter what. She found a black shirt, one that went well with her mood and slumped out of the tent. The sun was beginning to set, but the light still hurt her sensitive eyes.
    “Over here, you coward,” Josie yelled from the direction of Jake’s RV.
    She would kill her if she’d told him what she’d planned to do a couple of hours ago. She took a seat on a camp chair next to Bernie and promptly closed her eyes. It felt as if someone had blown sand into them.
    “Holly, why are you a coward?” Leo asked.
    “Josie is the coward, and a permanent pain in my ass.”
    “Whatever, coward.” Josie kicked Holly’s chair, and it almost collapsed. She managed to keep it upright, but just barley.
    “Your balance is good, for someone who is drunk,” Jake commented.
    “I’m not drunk.”
    “Holly, you sang, upside down of all things, when George brought you back. You were out of your rocker.” Bernie said.
    Holly laughed. “Okay, a tiny bit, maybe.”
    “You sang!” Josie shrieked.
    “Oh, shut up, already.” Please, God, make them stop.
    Josie started to sing Holly’s drunken song, and was quickly joined by Leo and Bernie who sang right along with her.
    Jake’s shoulders shook with humor.
    Holly looked at Josie. “Something is wrong with you, seriously. You should get your head checked out.” Suddenly, Holly gasped. “Maybe Jake can check it out for you. I’m sure if he tweaked some things up there, you would finally be somewhat normal.”
    A fair amount of sniggering and giggles followed this statement.
    “Jake can tweak my head, anytime,” Josie flirted.
    “Ugh! That sounds so disgusting coming from your mouth,” Holly mumbled.
    “Am I missing something here?” Jake had a puzzled look on his face.
    “No, trust me, you’re not. Go home, Josie.”
    “Fine, but you are still a coward.”
    “Go home!”
    Josie winked at her, then made her way back to her camp. “Coward,” she couldn’t help but part with.
    “So, why are you a coward, Holly?” Leo asked again.
    “That is our secret. You guys are keeping a secret from me, so deal with it,” Bernie answered for Holly.
    “That must really be killing you.” Holly looked at Bernie with a mischievous grin.
    “Ha-ha. Be nice, or I’ll tell.”
    “Tell. It’s not my fantasy.”
    “Yeah, go ahead.”
    “What fantasy?” Jake piped up.
    “Josie has some pretty crazy fantasies. Ones that

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