
Free Eternity by Hollie Williams

Book: Eternity by Hollie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hollie Williams
    I put my hands onto his chest, it feels solid under my caress; pushing up so I’m on tip toes, I angle my head back and lean into him. In an instant his hands are spreading, one to my shoulders and the other down to grasp my backside. As he leans down the rest of the way, closing the gap between us, our lips meet, softly at first, testing each-others techniques, then with unbridled passion; his tongue pushes through my lips, I welcome it by swirling my own around his. His grip tightens on my buttock, pulling me in so our bodies are flush against one another, so I can feel his erection straining against my groin. Running my hands up his arms I can feel his bulging biceps, finding his shoulders I follow the curve to his neck, pushing my fingers up into his hair and grabbing it tightly as I push my tongue into his mouth; my sexual appetite is well and truly awakened, I physically can’t get enough of him right now. Suddenly he is bending down, keeping his lips locked with mine, his hands find my thighs and without even trying he lifts me up so my face is now above his, pushing down on him.
    Obligingly I wrap my legs around his waist and he lowers us to the sand, softly laying me down onto my back, his hands now free to roam. First he puts them either side of my face, cupping it while we continue our fiery kiss, then he begins to move his right hand, down my neck, to my shoulder and on to my collar bone which he traces across to the other side. I arch my back so that his hand slips down to my breasts, caressing them over my dress. Pushing my body up further, this time squeezing his sides between my legs and letting out a deep moan, thrusting my tongue into his mouth once more; he doesn’t need any more encouragement, hooking his finger round the straps of my dress and pulling them over my shoulders, I follow his lead and slip my hands up through them freeing my arms. In one quick movement he pushes the top of my dress and strapless bra down to my waist, breaking away from our kiss he leans back to admire the view.
    “You are so beautiful” he murmurs as he runs the tips of his fingers across my breasts, teasing my nipples. Shifting his body down he starts to flick his tongue over one nipple, massaging it in circles and sucking it so it hardens in his mouth. The other he has between his fingers softly squeezing as he grasps my breast with the rest of his hand.
    “Oh, yes” I whisper, I’m glad of the limited light on the beach, but beyond caring if anyone is around.
    With my nipple still delectably in his mouth, he shifts his hand down my body; finding my leg still firmly wrapped round him, he slides his hand down my thigh, pushing the hem of my dress up as he goes. Moving his body to the side so opening up a space, I match his movement by lowering that leg to the sand and relaxing my knee, inviting him in. His fingers trace the line of my panties, skimming over the top; I’m writhing beneath him pushing my hips up to grind against his hand. Finally, pulling the elastic back at the top he slips his hand inside, mirroring my movements with slow, firm circles against my clitoris.
    The anticipation is infuriating, quickly running my hand down his arm until I meet his, covering it with my own I push his finger inside of me, “uhhhh” I moan loudly, the feeling making me shiver with delight.
    “Ssshh” he warns, stilling his fingers while he takes a quick glance around ensuring we are not about to get spotted. Satisfied we are still alone he pushes now two fingers deep into me, stifling my noise with a passionate kiss. His fingers sliding in and out, twisting them round as he goes; I’m thrusting my hips against his hand eagerly, digging my nails into his back, “more” I manage to murmur into his kisses. He drives another finger inside me, not what I was going for, but I’m not complaining. As his thumb find my clitoris I start to thrust harder against him, I recognise the buildup of tension and I crave its

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