
Free Bloodlust by Alex Duval

Book: Bloodlust by Alex Duval Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Duval
a novel out of his back pocket. Jason took that as another hint.
    “All right, then. I’ll let you get to it,” he said, and headed down the stairs and into a lounge with a wide-screen TV and a killer sound system. Guster bongoed away out of multiple speakers, and he noticed Adam standing in the entrance to the hallway across the room, filming as always.
    Jason finished off his vodka and tonic as he wove through the crowd and over to his friend. He followed the angle of Adam’s camera and found himself looking into one of the cabins. More specifically, at the bed. Even more specifically, at Carrie Smith sprawled on top of some guy, on the bed. Her hands were wrapped in said guy’s longish blond hair, and her mouth was suctioned onto his.
    Uh-oh, Jason thought.
    “This is not the movie you want to make,” he told Adam, grabbing him by the back of the shirt and pulling him out of the hall. “What would Wes Anderson think? Or were there some pornos on his credit list that you forgot to tell me about?”
    Adam lowered the camera. “Scott Challon. Happy Gilmore is probably his favorite movie, and she’s in there….” His voice trailed off and he just stood there, looking crushed.
    Jason decided a change of subject—and locale—was necessary. “I heard there’s a hot tub on the fore-deck. Let’s go check it out.” He nudged Adam back into the lounge. “And by it, I mean the girls in it. Carrie’s hot and film-literate, granted, but don’t tell me she’s the only one for you. There’s no such thing,” he said, immediately thinking of Sienna.
    “Scott Challon,” Adam said again, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe it.
    Jason gently pulled the camera out of Adam’s hand and stowed it behind a chair. He snagged a couple of drinks from a passing waiter in some faux naval uniform, handed one to Adam, and held his own up in a toast. “To moving on and meeting new girls,” he said firmly. “Drink up.”
    Adam reluctantly clinked glasses with him, then drained his drink in one long swallow. “That’s disgusting,” he commented, wiping his mouth.
    “I’ll say,” Jason agreed, finishing his own drink. “But hopefully effective. Let’s go.” He led the way back to the stairs.
    Two girls were coming down as they started up. Two girls who looked very much like his sister and Kristy.
    “Hi!” Danielle said brightly.
    Jason groaned. He’d been hoping he was wrong about Dani’s secret plans for the night. “I knew you were going to pull something like this,” Jason said, and sighed. “How dumb are Mom and Dad not to guess where you are tonight?”
    Dani’s eyes sparkled. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
    “They think she’s sleeping over at my place,” Kristy explained.
    “Shhh,” Dani told Jason, putting a finger to her lips.
    “You’d better watch yourself if you expect me to ‘shhh,’ ” Jason said, nodding toward the two drinks in her hands.
    “Don’t worry. The rum is for my new friend Caleb. Mine’s just plain o.j.” Dani crossed her heart, without sloshing either drink, as she and Kristy slipped past Jason and Adam.
    Jason shook his head. “You know this Caleb?” he asked Adam, sliding into big brother mode.
    “Senior. Basketball player. Hangs with Zach Lafrenière, when Zach deigns to attend school. Hasn’t spent time with my father, the chief of police, if that’s what you’re asking,” Adam replied with a grin.
    “No record. I guess that’s something,” Jason said, and laughed. He stepped out onto the deck and followed the sounds of laughing and splashing to the hot tub.
    He stopped in surprise when he reached it: a huge hot tub filled with people drinking, laughing, making out. Well, really only one couple was making out, but that was the only one that mattered. Brad Moreau was facing Jason. And he had in his arms a girl with long black hair and honey-tanned skin, kissing Brad like she was drowning and he was oxygen.
    Jason’s face flushed and

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