Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle

Free Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle by Terry Spear

Book: Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle by Terry Spear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Spear
stop. What was wrong with her? She couldn’t encourage him. Volan would kill him for certain.
    When she stilled beneath him, Devlyn took a long, ragged breath and then rolled off her. “Get some sleep, Bella. We’ll have several long days ahead of us.”
    She turned away from him, hurt, confused, angry. She wanted him to be her mate forever and didn’t want to wait for that day.
    Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her against his arousal, her backside bared to him, and she wanted him to take her like a wolf would in the wild.
    “To ensure you don’t get any ideas of slipping away in the night,” he said, his face nuzzling her hair.
    She attempted to jerk away from him.
    He tightened his iron hold on her. “It’s hard enough for me to…well, just lie still, Bella.”
    But she couldn’t sleep, let alone think; the ache between her legs begged for satisfaction. She rubbed her bottom against him, offering herself to him, and he growled in response, the kind of growl that meant he was losing control.

Chapter Four
    B ELLA STROKED HER BOTTOM AGAINST D EVLYN ’ S RAGING arousal, triggering an undeniable lust for the woman he’d coveted endlessly.
    “Damn it, Bella, stop it.” To still her actions, he tightened his hold on her waist, the insatiable urge to take her filling him with feral aggression.
    “I can’t help it. Your scent and your touch are driving me nuts,” she growled.
    “You only say that because you want me to let you go, but I don’t trust you.”
    Ignoring him, she pressed herself hard against him, challenging him to mate.
    No human or lupus garou bitch boasted the same alluring scent as Bella. Taking a deep breath, he drank in her wild fragrance, a heady aphrodisiac compelling him to mate with her against all common sense. He nuzzled his face in her silky red hair, making the attraction stronger, not controlling his behavior as he should.
    Devlyn ran his hand over Bella’s side, down the gentle curve of her hip, to her inner thigh. She parted her legs for him, and he groaned with insatiable lust. Sliding his hand up her belly, he reached her breast and squeezed the full soft mound.
    She moaned and pressed against his heavy loins again.
    “Be still,” he whispered into her hair.
    “You don’t want me to be still,” she growled. “Not if you’re going to keep touching me.”
    Hungering to mate with her, he lifted her leg over his.
    She stiffened her back.
    “Nothing that will get us into too much trouble, Bella. Just going to relieve some of your tension.”
    As soon as he slipped his fingers between her legs, into the hot, wet, swollen folds, she trembled. Stroking her, he whispered next to her ear, “How does that feel?”
    “Harder, faster,” she managed to get out.
    The thrill of having her tight against his body, naked as he had imagined for so many years, filled him with primal need. “Breathe, Bella. I don’t want you passing out.”
    Squirming against him, she prodded him to quit talking and do more.
    Reveling in the sweet musky scent that was all Bella, he stroked in and out and then touched her nub again. She placed her hand on his, pressing his fingers harder against her, forcing him to rub faster. Arching her back, she groaned. His arousal stretched out to her like a pike readied to enter her virgin territory, touching her between the folds, but not penetrating. Her moans of ecstasy and writhing lithe body undid him. With Bella’s body squirming against him, his erection sliding against her folds, he fought losing control.
    Her body shuddered, she cried out, her inner muscles contracting with her climax, and he quickly pulled away before he finished what he’d started.
    She gazed at him with darkened amber eyes. “Are you okay?”
    His hormones raged out of control, his arousal ached for release, and she had to ask if he was all right? In a husky voice, he motioned to the bathroom and said, “Why don’t you wash up, Bella.”
    “Right.” She crossed the

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