
Free Obsessions by Bryce Evans

Book: Obsessions by Bryce Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryce Evans
laughed as London narrowed her eyes at Ryder,
then reached around and grabbed the shot glass and swallowed another. The
alcohol was taking effect and she felt bolder as she centered all her anger
toward the man who was pissing her off and making her body melt all at the same
    “Yeah, yeah, Alpha boy. Let me get my grandmother so
we can leave. I didn’t mean to jump on your little girlfriend but she needs to
shut her mouth and show a little respect. Maybe you need to let her fight her
own battles, especially the ones she started, but don’t worry we are out of
here.” London got a five-dollar bill out of her pocketbook and placed it on the
bar for the tip, then got up and started walking back to the dining room.
However, she felt funny, like she was walking sideways.
    Before she could get to the table, Ryder was pulling
her toward a private room. “Hey…get your hands off me.” London pushed Ryder and
when she did he let her go and she fell flat on her butt. He tried to catch her
but she pushed him hard enough that he lost his balance letting her fall to the
floor. His eyes got wild looking when she started losing it. It seemed he was
enjoying her anger. Pointing up at him, London couldn’t believe what he just
    “You piece of shit. Arrogant bastard. You think you
can just push people around, and then throw them on the floor?” Rolling
forward, London pushed herself off the floor and jumped to her feet. However,
the motion sent her forward into Ryder’s arms. She tried to push away but his arms
only tightened around her.
    “Calm down.” Ryder snapped as he held her close to
his body trying to keep her from falling on the floor again.
    “Calm down? You just threw me to the floor. You calm
down and let me go.” London fired back. Her vision blurred as she glared at
him. Why was he acting like this towards her? She just met the man for God’s
sake. The fact that she wanted to take her clothes off and have sex with him
pissed her off even more. She loved the way he held her close. When he let her
go, she backed up away from him. The warmth left her as she backed up further.
    Thrusting his fingers through his hair, Ryder was
about to say something when Zoey and Nolan chose that particular moment to walk
in the room.
    Running over to her, Zoey grabbed London’s hand.
“Please don’t leave, London. Please stay for me. Your grandmother is having a
great time. Jena has been moved to another table. Please just stay for me. You
can pay for your meal. He thought since you had to change your plans and go
with us he would pay for the meal, but he won’t pay for yours. You can. Plus,
we just graduated and they are going to move the tables out and we are going to
dance and have fun. It’s our last night together. Please…” Zoey was pleading
with London. Poking out her lip, she could tell how much she wanted her there.
    Frustrated, London blew out a deep breath and
nodded. She looked over at Ryder who looked relieved that she had changed her
mind too. She figured he was acting like that for Zoey’s sake. There was no
other reason for the look.
    “Thank you. Come on, they are bringing in the salad
now. You will feel much better after you eat.” Zoey held London’s hand as she
escorted her out of the room and back into the dining room.
    “Jerk,” London said under her breath, but she knew
that Ryder heard her as she walked away from him.
    “Save a dance for me beautiful.” Nolan shouted as
she walked out.

    Chapter 8
    When Jena made that comment to London, Ryder felt
magic come across the table. He had never felt powerful magic like that before,
and then she jumped toward Jena.  No human could scale across a table like she
did. Before he could stop her, London had Jena pinned to the floor.
    If it hadn’t been for Zoey, he would have pulled her
off Jena. “Stop Ryder. You don’t know London. She can handle herself.”
    Handle herself? What was Zoey talking about? Jena
was a wolf and could rip

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