Revolting Youth: The Further Journals of Nick Twisp

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Book: Revolting Youth: The Further Journals of Nick Twisp by C. D. Payne Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. D. Payne
way down to drag out the shock and horror as eyes met eyes around the room.
    “Sheeni!” Trent expostulated.
    Apurva moved her lips, but no sounds emerged.
    Carlotta’s mind spun like a slot machine, but nothing came up.
    At last My Love broke the impasse. She folded her arms over her nakedness and walked silently from the room. Open-mouthed, Trent and Apurva gazed questioningly at Carlotta.
    “Er,” Carlotta mumbled, “she must have, uh, come to the wrong house … by mistake.”
    A moment later My Love had tossed on her clothes and fled out the front door. I grabbed Trent’s raincoat off a hook, threw it on over Carlotta’s nightgown, and hurried after her down the darkened sidewalk.
    “Sheeni! Wait! Stop!”
    My Love turned, hit me in the eye with a small metallic object, and stomped on.
    I picked up the discarded key and hurried after her.
    “I’m sorry,” I said, catching up with her. “I’m really sorry.”
    She did not slow or look at me. “I have never been so humiliated.”
    “I know, darling, it’s, it’s … regrettable.”
    “Don’t call me ‘darling.’ You are such a scumbag. How can I face them ever again? How can I face anyone in this damn town?”
    “Sheeni, could we slow up here?”
    Still declining to look at me, My Love quickened her pace. “You say you love me, but you never tell me anything. I’ve had it with your deceptions.”
    “Sheeni, they just showed up a few hours ago. How was I supposed to tell you? I had no idea you were coming over. I mean, I was trying to do you a favor.”
    “Don’t make me laugh.”
    “I was! I was trying to help out your old boyfriend. I gave up my bed to them, for Christ’s sake. And I don’t even like the guy!”
    Sheeni slackened her pace. “This entire evening has been a disaster. I had a fight with my parents. So I sneaked out of the house … looking for solace.”
    Carlotta put my arm around her shoulder. “What was the fight about, darling?”
    “Trent. What else? Oh, Nickie, I’m so embarrassed. You have to think of something to tell them—so they won’t think I’m a …”
    “Yes, I know. OK, darling, I’ll give it a shot.”
    Sheeni stopped and we embraced in the shadows beneath a street tree. “Oh, Nickie, Trent really is married. I can see that now.”
    Well I should hope so.
    “Yes, Sheeni darling, and we’re two underage minors out past the curfew on a school night on a street that’s well-patrolled by cops.”
    My Love grabbed back her key, gave me a quick kiss, and darted off into the night. I sneaked home, observed the light was off again in the bedroom, and retired to my lonely sofa. I had six hours to manufacture a plausible explanation for the events that had just transpired.
    8:20 a.m. “I’m gay,” Carlotta announced.
    We were breakfasting uneasily around Granny DeFalco’s old yellow chrome dinette.
    “We gathered as much,” replied Trent, gazing intently at his Cheerios.
    “We value that you are able to share that with us,” added his wife, also avoiding eye-contact.
    “It’s a shame there are so many unenlightened people in this town,” said Trent, pouring a second helping of cereal. “We appreciate your need for discretion.”
    “Thank you for being so understanding,” blushed Carlotta.
    “And Sheeni too?” ventured Apurva.
    “Yes, of course,” I replied. “She’s known since she was in kindergarten.”
    Trent put down his spoon and flashed Carlotta a tremulous smile. Sensing I was messing profoundly with his world view, I sipped my instant coffee and pressed on.
    “But she’s not ready to tell anyone yet. In fact, she asked me to make up some kind of plausible lie for what happened last night. As if I could.”
    “She must be very disturbed,” said Apurva. “I do feel sorry for her. But it is also a great relief to me. I have spent too many hours worrying that my darling Trent was not entirely over her.”
    Trent patted her hand. “Don’t be silly, honey.”
    “Carlotta,” said

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