Linna : Historical Romance (The Brocade Collection, Book 5)

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Book: Linna : Historical Romance (The Brocade Collection, Book 5) by Jackie Ivie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ivie
nonsensical things to her until she reacted, jerking a little in response to the words. Or his breath. He made sure she felt it, as he gave each word more breath than necessary, and watched the response as it slid over temptingly bare flesh. He didn’t know which was affecting her and he didn’t care. He got the bit of satisfaction from it and put it aside until the next one. He went to his haunches beside her, reached out to move the wealth of reddish-brown hair away from her temples as he waited for her to look at him again.
    She had whiskey-colored eyes just meant for getting lost in; dark, swirling, mysterious, whiskey-brown eyes . Sometimes they were a golden hue and sometimes they were dark...dark enough to drag his thoughts to a stand-still with the mesmerizing quality of them. He didn’t think she knew the power of her own gaze yet. If she did, she’d have used it already.
    “As you’ve no maid at your disposal, may I be allowed to assume the position for this eve, Mademoiselle ?” 
    Raoul asked her a question as he lifted himself from the bed . Linna watched his lips and knew he moved from the sway the mattress made as it recovered from his bulk. She just couldn’t feel anything nor hear his words.
    “What?” she asked.
    “You need a lady’s maid. To grant assistance. With your clothing. I’ve been told I’m a fair replacement if the need arises.”
    She turned her head away . All she had to do was get through this one night - regardless of how horrid it became, and he’d promised her freedom. Freedom from her father. Freedom from him. She’d made certain of it. That was a strengthening thought. She smiled slightly, turned back, and answered his chin.
    “Very well . If you won’t…take liberties again, I’ll allow it.”
    Raoul’s eyebrows rose . He executed a perfect bow, made extremely visual by the lack of upper body attire and held out his hand. She watched the play of movement beneath the skin of his chest and caught her lip between her teeth.
    “I cannot undo hooks if you are lying on them, you know.”  He smiled, making small creases appear beside his eyes . She swiveled away from him and lifted her hair out of his way.
    Then warm fingers were playing up and down the length of her garment, seeming to fumble much more than was necessary before stilling altogether . Linna looked over her shoulder and caught the gasp. Raoul had his eyes closed and the strangest expression on his face. A half-smile hovered on his lips, showing a dimple in his cheek. Then he opened his eyes, bringing the moss-green of his into direct contact with hers. The connection stunned. Electrified. Took her breath.
    “You are tres belle, Mademoiselle , but of course you already know that. Your skin resembles silk to the touch. Warm...perfectly woven silk.”
    Linna flushed at the words and bowed her head to keep the hair out of his way. She had only one petticoat, her pantaloons, and a chemise beneath the dress. It was exactly what she needed for her original plan and nothing more. She had to help him remove the dress, since she was lying on it, and he wasn’t helping. In fact, his fingers were sliding over every bit of her with little intent at clothing removal.
    “You wear no stays?” he asked as he rolled the petticoat into large snakes of material as he removed it from her.
    “I’ve no need of them.”  She thought she’d kept the note of pride from her voice, but knew she hadn’t succeeded when he chuckled. She never wore a corset. She didn’t need one. Ever. All of the Daniels maids knew it.
    “Is that proper?” he asked.
    She shrugged slightly. “It’s efficient and comfortable. I don’t need one, so I don’t wear one.”
    “My mother wore one,” Raoul continued in a conversational tone.
    “I think they’re out of style and outmoded. And uncomfortable. I had no idea Paris had such styles. That’s where we copy our fashions from, you know. How long ago was this?”
    His silence went on

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