Days Without Number

Free Days Without Number by Robert Goddard

Book: Days Without Number by Robert Goddard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Goddard
Tags: thriller, Mystery
going to be no other takers, Nick volunteered.
    It was a quiet night at the pub. They settled themselves at a table set in its own discreet corner and toasted their father's memory in Courage Best Bitter.
    'A real shock, eh, Nick? Who'd have thought it, after that vintage performance he put on yesterday?'
    'Perhaps it took too much out of him.'
    'Less than it took out of me, I'll bet. I'd have made sure we parted on better terms if I'd . . .' He shrugged. 'Well, you know.'
    'Yes. I know.'
    'It'll take some getting used to. Him not being around, I mean.'
    'It certainly will.'
    'Some getting used to, yeah.' Andrew took a deep swallow of beer. 'I'll say.'
    'When I got Irene's message, that something terrible had happened, I thought for a moment . . .' Nick hesitated.
    'What did you think?'
    'That it was you.'
    'Well, after the way you stormed out of Trennor . . .'
    'You thought I might have gone home and strung myself up from a beam in the barn?'
    'Not exactly. I just--'
    'I was pretty upset, Nick, I don't mind admitting. But what's new? Dad's needled me for years.' Andrew looked away, apparently lost momentarily in recollection of such times.
    'What's new is that he won't be needling you any more.'
    'No. He won't.' Andrew chuckled wryly. 'And you know what? I'll miss it.'
    The too.'
    'Yeah.' Andrew looked back at his brother. 'Be hard to explain that to anyone, though, wouldn't it?'
    'It would.'
    'Which is why we ought to keep quiet about yesterday's bust-up, in the unlikely event that the police start sniffing around. Mention a family row - or Tantris's money - and that lot could begin to wonder whether, well . . .' He lowered his voice, unnecessarily, since there was no-one within earshot. 'Did he fall or was he pushed?'
    'Nobody's going to wonder that, Andrew.' Even as he said it, Nick felt uncertain on the point. To an outsider, apprised of the circumstances, it could seem a possibility. 'Oh God. You don't think they might, do you?'
    'Not if we don't give them any reason to. Look, obviously we'll accept Tantris's offer, but there's bound to be a delay. Dad's will will have to be probated and the rest of it. Then there's the inquest. We don't need to rush into anything.'
    'From what you're saying, we can't.'
    'Exactly. Tantris isn't going to go away. We just have to bide our time.' Andrew stared thoughtfully into his beer. 'Dad was right. He'd have hated being in an old folk's home, however well appointed. It was a quick exit and maybe a merciful one. We could look back on this one day and think it was, well, the best way for it to be.' He glanced up at Nick. 'Don't you reckon?'
    Andrew had parked his car in one of the streets that led up from Citadel Road towards the Hoe. Nick walked to it with him after they left the Yard Arm. A cold wind was getting up, clearing the drizzle and revealing a window of stars in the inky cloudbank out over the Sound.
    'I'm hoping Tom will come down for the funeral,' said Andrew as they neared the Land Rover.
    'He's bound to, surely.'
    'Only if I succeed in contacting him. All I've reached so far is his answerphone. I could ask Kate if she's got a mobile number for him, but... I'd rather not.'
    'Won't you tell her about Dad? They used to get on well together.'
    'Suppose I'll have to. Christ, you don't think she'll want to attend, do you?'
    'I don't know.'
    'Can't stop her, I suppose. As long as she doesn't bring that smug bastard Mawson with her. Wives and children and ex-wives' new husbands. You're well out of all that, Nick, take my word for it.'
    'Glad to.'
    'Yeah. I'll bet.' They came abreast of the car. Andrew unlocked the door, climbed in, wound down the window and started up, the engine spluttering in the cold air and sending up a plume of exhaust. 'See you soon, then. I'll--' Something caught his eye. He gestured through the windscreen at a piece of paper wedged under the wiper. 'Bloody fly posters. Shift that, would you, Nick?'
    Nick slid the offending item out from

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