Rescue Me Please

Free Rescue Me Please by Nichole Matthews

Book: Rescue Me Please by Nichole Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nichole Matthews
been his intention to avoid the room at all cost.  He didn’t want to grow too attached to her or her daughter.  At first it was just a peek, then it was soothing her crying baby, then it was conversations, unti l it had grown to this.  Waiting .  He waited for her to open her eyes so he could question her.
    He lifted Tillie from the cot and tucked her in the crook of his arm before carrying her to the chair.  He sat, stretching his long legs out .  He watch ed as Miss Smith’s chest rose and fell in rhythmic breathing.  She wasn’t classically beautiful, but she was adorable with the light dusting of freckles over her nose and deep green eyes, especially now that the dark smudges had faded and the hollows of her cheeks were beginning to be fill ed .  She hadn’t truly smiled yet, but he’d wager that when she did smi le, it lit up her entire face.
    “Your mother would be furious if you were taken from her sight, so I have been left with no choice but to visit you in her room.”  Pa rker spoke softly in the quiet.   Tillie tugged playfully on his finger and drooled.  “It has been ages since a baby has lived at Rosebriar and I’d forgotten how delightful i t is to hold a babe in my arms,” h e added , resting his head on the high back of the chair a nd watched as Miss Smith slept.  T he sweet sounds of Tillie combined with Miss Smith’s easy breathing lured him into a relaxed state giving him a chance to truly observe her.  A thousand questions perched on the tip of his tongue, but they would have to wait until she was awake.  He looked into Tillie’s deep green eyes and toyed with her delightful red curls.  “My youngest sister has delivered a son so she is unable to return to Rosebriar for Christmas it is good that you are here for us to shower wi th gifts.”
    Parker smiled as Tillie dragged his finger to her mouth and began gnawing on the tip with her soft gums.  “ Ahh …you must have teeth about to erupt.  That explains everything, little one.  I will have nurse bring you a tough rag to chew on, that always soothed Piper.”  He pulled out his unused fine linen handkerchief monogrammed with a curling P and placed it in Tillie’s flailing fist.   He stared down at her with narrowed eyes, then smiled.  “ Let’s see if I remember anything.”  He rubbed his hand over his mouth .  His eyes widened and he held up his finger.  “ Ahh , I’ve thought of one , but if you breathe a word of this to anyone.. .”  He was sure that if he could view his reflection in the looking glass, he would have an immense look of satisfaction on his face.  “ Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker’s man , b ake me a cake as fast as you can .  Pat it and prick it and mark it with a ‘B’ , a nd put it in the oven for Baby and me. ”  He laughed, putting his chin on top of Tillie’s head.
    The deep rumble of a man’s laughter startled Persephone out of her slumber and she sat u p in the bed, her hand held to her fluttering heart.  “Oh, Mr. Peregrine, umm…Lord Ashford.”  Her eyes wide ned , her sleep ruffled hair fell over her feminine shoulders .  “You frightened me.”  She pushed her hair off her face and glanced towards the door to see that it stood open for proprieties sake and if she needed to scream.   She blew a stream of air out.
    “My apologies , Miss Sm ith.  That was not my intent,” he said in his deep, smooth voice.  Her wide green eyes were lovely, her pale skin looked delicate enough to break, like his mother’s favorite china , was now bathed in a delightful pink blush causing Parker to pause.
    “Lord Ashford, you owe me no apologies.  I am the one who must beg for your forgiveness.  I’ve been beyond rude.  My reaction to your hospitality is reprehensible .”
    Persephone held out her arms.  “May I hold my daughter, my lord ?”  Her brow rose inquiringly.
    Parker looked startled and then he smiled.  “By all means.”  Standing, he placed Tillie in her

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