Forever & More: The Friend Zone series

Free Forever & More: The Friend Zone series by Tabetha Thompson

Book: Forever & More: The Friend Zone series by Tabetha Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tabetha Thompson
died when Brady said he never had a real girlfriend and Crystal drank her shot. Did you know she was into girls?” I nod my head yes and sneak a quick glance to make sure she doesn’t hear us talking about her.
    “You bitch, why didn’t you tell me?” Sara raises her voice.
    “Wasn’t my business to tell; it’s not like she’s hit on me. I don’t give a shit what she does,” I tell her.
    “Okay, now where was I? Oh, okay, so I notice Harley looking at me, so I lean into Sean a little and laugh at absolutely nothing, just to make it seem like he said something funny. I knew he was watching; I remember feeling the heat from his stare and I wanted to play with my soon-to-be new toy a bit before I claimed him. I was rocking my favorite black, peep-toe pumps, my skintight skinny jeans, and the corset top I picked up when you got your Jack Daniels shirt.
    “We finally made eye contact and I couldn’t help but feel like I was naked and exposed. He turned his attention back to your bartender and I can remember thinking, ah hell na .”
    Harley and I bust out into full hysterics when Sara starts weaving her head back and forth while mimicking the motions with her pointer finger. He finally composes himself and says, “Crystal was telling me and Brady that she had never had sex in a car.”
    “Lying ass bitch,” Sara spits. There’s never been any love lost between the two of them. I’m not sure why, but I think it had a lot to do with Sean.
    “Can I tell the damn story or would you like to continue discussing the cock eater’s sex life?” Sara looks at Harley with a choose wisely expression. Like the smart man he is, he remains silent.
    “ Anyway , when Harley turned his attention elsewhere, I took that as a challenge, so I started his way. I, unfortunately, heard her comment, but instead of calling her out on her lie, I called her a prude. She snapped at me, telling me to shut up, but I just smiled at her. See, little did she know, my master plan was to steal the copper top hottie she was talking to.” Sara turns to Harley and winks, causing him to blush.
    “Babe, I told you she was trying to hook up with Brady—” Harley starts to speak.
    “ Babe ,” she says with a sweet, sarcastic tone. “Stand there and look pretty, okay? That’s what I keep you around for.” My eyes widen at her comment. It may have been a smart-ass comment and anyone on the outside looking in wouldn’t have been able to tell, but Harley and I know she was kidding. The show he made at flexing his muscles at her comment proved he took no offense to her harsh comment.
    “Now, back to my story. I played the sweet girl card, made conversation, and asked questions about him, but he kept staring at my boobs. No matter what I said or talked about, his eyes would wander from my eyes to my lips, then to my boobs. So I stood up and cupped both of them, asked him if he liked them and told him they were new. Chloe, you should have seen his fucking face!”
    Crystal comes over to us with another round of Jack and a beer. We down our shots. And in true Sara fashion, she picks up the conversation right where she left off.
    “I swear I could see drool starting to drip down his chin. Apparently, Brady decided that was a perfect moment to head out and he tried to talk Harley into leaving, so I had to sweet talk him a little bit to get him to stick around. I remember seeing them exchange a look and Harley’s was a cross between constipation and Mom, can we stay five more minutes .” She laughs and glances at a blushing Harley.
    “I remember wanting to feel his skin on mine so bad, but he wouldn’t. So, I reached out and grabbed his hands. I made up some bullshit about him having a long lifeline.” She and Harley start laughing again, and I’m not talking about a little chuckle, I’m talking tears in their eyes.
    “I remember noticing Brady eavesdropping on our conversation, but I didn’t care, I had what I wanted in the palm of my hands

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