Specky Magee

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Authors: Felice Arena
Tags: Fiction
loves footy!’

17 DAD?
    Specky knew that he had already gone too far. This was it. For a moment he considered hanging up, but instead he repeated what he had just said a few moments ago.
    ‘Yes, I want to find my biological father. I know he loves footy, and he probably barracks for Geelong. Oh, I also know that my biological mother is dead. She was killed in a car accident. Well, that’s what I was told…’
    Specky hadn’t realised that he was rambling on. The female voice on the other end of the line stopped him mid-sentence.
    ‘You sound kind of young. Can I ask how old are you?’
    ‘I’m 12,’ replied Specky.
    ‘Hmm,’ began the lady. ‘Unfortunately, thelegal age to search for your biological parents in this state is 18, unless you have the consent of your adoptive parents.’
    ‘Oh…’ said a deflated Specky.
    ‘Why don’t you get your adoptive parents to call and we can arrange a time for you all to come in and chat?’
    Specky hurriedly thanked the lady for her help, then dropped the phone. His search for his ‘footy father’ hadn’t even got out of the starting blocks. Specky knew that his mum and dad would never consider such a thing—the way they acted the other night was proof of that. But suddenly Specky had an idea.
    Maybe someone else could act as one of his parents. Specky smiled to himself. It was an outrageous plan, but worth a shot. He ran downstairs, out through the front door and all the way to Robbo’s house.
    ‘Well, I’m very flattered, Specky, I really am,’ said Robbo’s father. ‘But I can’t accept your offer. Even though I do sometimes feel that you’re like another son to me…I mean, you’re always around here. No, I think you should let your parents know how you’re feeling. I’m surethey’ll help you search for your biological dad—if that’s what you really want.’
    Specky shrugged his shoulders. He was disappointed that Robbo’s father couldn’t help, but he understood.
    Later that evening he decided to take Robbo’s dad’s advice and approach his parents. It was after dinner, and they were all in the lounge room watching TV. ‘Um, Mum, Dad, can I ask you something?’
    Specky’s parents hadn’t heard him. They were engrossed in a movie. That was, until Specky said, ‘It’s about finding my biological father.’
    Now he had their attention. Specky’s dad abruptly switched the TV off. His mother was the first to respond.
    ‘Simon, what did we tell you? We’re your parents. There’s nothing else you need to know.’
    Specky could tell his mother was getting upset again. ‘I know that, Mum, but isn’t it my right to know? I mean, I know that other adopted kids have had the chance to find out.’ Specky wasn’t going to tell them that he had been doing some research.
    ‘No, it’s not your right!’ snapped Specky’s dad. ‘You’re much too young. Maybe when you’re an adult you can have the right. Butuntil then we’re your parents! How many times do we have to tell you!’
    Specky sat on his bed, thinking about what had just happened. He knew it was of no use now to ask his parents to join him in a visit to the adoption information office. He also knew that there was nothing else he could do. Specky thought his search for his ‘footy father’ was now over—or at least on hold for the next six years.
    Or maybe not…
    The next day after school, he was happy to see a message pop-up on his computer screen:
    CHRISkicks : It was nice meeting you the other day.
    FOOTYHEAD : Thanks! It was cool meeting you, too!
    Specky was unaware that his face had turned bright pink.
    CHRISkicks : Hey, I’m glad you’re online!
    FOOTYHEAD : Why?
    CHRISkicks : Have you read the Herald Sun today?
    CHRISkicks : I think you should.
    FOOTYHEAD : Why?
    CHRISkicks : Just go and read it—there’s an article you should look at. The heading is ‘HELLO, DADDY?’ Read it and then call me. Here’s my number…
    Specky was definitely curious to

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