Specky Magee

Free Specky Magee by Felice Arena

Book: Specky Magee by Felice Arena Read Free Book Online
Authors: Felice Arena
Tags: Fiction
way through the third quarter, Specky couldn’t stop thinking about Christina, even though the match was turning out to be a sensational battle. By the end of the quarter, the score was even: 10.10.70 for Geelong and 9.16.70 for Collingwood.
    Robbo and Danny had become so wrapped up in the match that they had forgotten about teasing Specky. They argued over the game tactics that Collingwood should take to win. Specky felt it was a good time to leave them and return to the vicinity of the Barassi Bar. He somehow hoped he would bump into Christina.
    As he waited and watched hordes of fans enter and leave the bar, Specky realised that he would be extremely lucky to see her again. Why would she want to come back down here, anyway? he thought.
    ‘Hey, Speck! What are you doing?’
    It was Danny’s Uncle Joe, leaving the bar with more drinks and snacks in his hands.
    ‘Um, nothing. I was stretching my legs,’ answered Specky.
    ‘Well, help me carry these back, will you?’ Uncle Joe handed over some of the snacks to Specky, and they made their way back to their seats. Specky glanced over his shoulder—no Christina.
    I’ll just have to wait until I get back home on the computer again, he thought.
    ‘Hey, Speck. The last quarter has started already. You missed seeing a fantastic goal byour sensational captain. Where did you go?’ asked Danny.
    Specky sat down beside his friends.
    ‘He probably went looking for Christina again, ooooewww!’ added Robbo, with a smirk.
    Specky blushed, then turned his attention to the game without responding. Geelong had just kicked a goal!
    ‘Hey, Speck, imagine if your father, you know, your biological father, is here somewhere in the crowd. Wouldn’t that be so weird?’ remarked Robbo. ‘Didn’t you think he could be a Cats supporter? ‘Cause in the baby photo you’re dressed up in all that Geelong gear.’
    Specky stared blankly at his friends, then into the sea of supporters around him, especially the Cats barrackers. It hadn’t even crossed his mind.
    ‘Yeah, how bizarre would that be,’ agreed Danny.
    Specky hadn’t heard Danny. He was now deep in thought and intensely checking out the Geelong supporters, wondering if his real dad was there. Would Specky recognise him?
    He continued to daydream. Maybe his real dad was really happy that Geelong was slightly in front. Maybe he was also screaming at theumpires, like Danny’s Uncle Joe. It could be that bloke there, he sort of looks like me, he thought.
    Specky was so distracted by his daydreaming that he hadn’t even noticed that Geelong had kicked another two quick goals. That was, until Danny and his family and the rest of the Collingwood fans began screaming their disappointment. They could all sense that Geelong was on a winning streak.
    ‘C’mon, Pies! Don’t do this to us! Don’t lose it in the final quarter!’ pleaded Danny’s uncles. Their voices were hoarse and croaky from shouting for most of the afternoon. Unfortunately, their pleas weren’t enough. Geelong was beginning to steamroll Collingwood.
    When the Cats took a five-goal lead with an amazing snap shot from their rover, Specky couldn’t help jumping up in the air to applaud them. Danny and his family all glared at Specky, shocked by his actions. Uncle Joe almost dropped his drink.
    Danny pulled Specky back down to his seat. ‘What are you doing? Don’t tell me you barrack for Geelong now?’ he asked, feeling slightly betrayed.
    Specky wasn’t sure how to answer Danny. He didn’t know why he was suddenly happyfor Geelong—that is, until Robbo’s next comment.
    ‘I know why he likes the Cats now. It’s ‘cause of his father, the dad he hasn’t met. He thinks if he was with him now, they’d both be barracking for Geelong. Isn’t that right, Speck?’
    Specky nodded. ‘Yeah, that’s it. You’re right!’
    ‘I can’t believe you, Speck,’ said Danny, shaking his head. ‘You’re the only person I know who barracks for six

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