Wine of the Gods 26: Embassy

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Book: Wine of the Gods 26: Embassy by Pam Uphoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pam Uphoff
well ahead now, but this news may shake a few things up."
    Rael cocked her head. "So you test the waters before you jump into the deep end. I can see where everyone could be apprehensive . . . there's not enough time to show the positive, the possibilities, is there? What can I do to help?"
    Urfa clasped his hands on the desk top. "Rael . . . you are our secret weapon. Our . . . surprise attack, our way to throw Endi off balance."
    She swallowed. "So . . . you don't want me in the first party to this Embassy World?" I am not relieved. Not. I am not afraid to see that man again. And definitely not tempted. Not!
    "Not at first. We need to check out the situation, what the Earth is doing . . . and whether there really is a Department of Interdimensional Security and Cooperation, outside Mr. Dewulfe's fertile imagination." Orde shifted uncomfortably. "We may need to . . . I don't know. Recruit Endi? Blackmail him? Get information out of him, certainly."
    Urfa nodded. "Or just distract him, if we need to do something a bit underhanded. This is such an opportunity to gather information on Earth . . ."
    "It's an opportunity to expand our horizons, to become a piece of a human civilization so much larger than the Empire. Not, mind you, a part of some greater government." The President shifted again. "I hate being so deep in the dark. So we're not going to show our hand until everyone's done betting and we've got a glimpse behind their poker faces."
    Rael nodded. "Right . . . I . . . don't know that I qualify as a femme fatale, but I'll give it my best shot, when you need it." Oh dear One. What if he . . . doesn't care? What if he's repulsed by all the scars, the damage?
    Urfa looked at her, worry lines across his forehead. "I have no idea how he'll react . . . he never asked, and I never volunteered any information about you. Was he hiding a vulnerability, or indifference? Don't . . . "
    He never asked . . . but he came . . . She nodded. "And after four years, well, we'll find out, at need."
    Urfa leaned back. "So, I'm working with Agni, curse the man, to put together a home team of analysts to dissect everything that happens across. Even Agni agrees you should be on it."
    "Eep!" Rael swallowed. "Well, I never expected to live in Gate City, but life is just full of surprises."
    President Orde grinned. "You'll need to come back and report regularly. We'll keep your barracks room and offices untouched, so you can pretend you're just visiting Gate City."
    Urfa cleared his throat. "If you start feeling like killing Agni, please just hop on the next flight and come back. I still need the son-of-a-camel."
    Rael snickered . . . sobered. I remember Agni, when the assassins struck. He jumped straight in to protect the president. No hesitation, no calculating of his own advantage. He has a lot of credit in the bank of don't-kill-the-jerk. But Dear One, that doesn't stop him from being a loud-mouthed blowhard asshole.

Chapter Twelve
10 September 3515 ce
The Hague, European Union
    "No, gentlemen. We are not going through with tanks." President Howard Carmichael glowered. "Just this once, let's try for a peaceful meeting with the One World monsters. I don't like the idea of genetic engineering any more than you do, but the era of our hegemony has apparently passed. We need to consider peaceful trade with the One World, or the Empire of the One as they apparently call it. We need to negotiate a split between their sphere of influence, and ours."
    "But what about those Elves?" One Member was looking belligerent.
    "This Wolfson person claims that they are leaving it all to us to jointly forge a hopefully peaceful coexistence. He was uncertain what would trigger their return—although he suggested that a cross dimensional war would probably 'do the trick,' as he put it." Howie stiffened his back and tried to hide how bloody damned tired he was. What the hell was I thinking of, to let them talk me into coming back? I served three terms and

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