
Free Captivated by Lauren Dane

Book: Captivated by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
imaginings in her life, she was pretty sure she couldn’t have made up something as hot as what she watched just then as Vincenz began to move, fucking Julian.
    She swallowed hard as Vincenz braced his hands on Julian’s shoulders.
    “Fuck your fist.”
    She blinked several times and held absolutely still, not wanting to interrupt and not wanting the moment to end.
    Julian moved his hand and she wished so much that she could see just exactly what he was doing then. Wondered what he looked like stroking his cock.
    This was wrong. It was wrong to spy on them. She knew it. But she couldn’t look away or close her eyes even though she knew it’s what manners dictated.
    Vincenz continued to murmur to Julian. “So, so good. I never imagined it could be this good.”
    Julian’s movements sped and she imagined what he would feel like in her hand. She opened her fist, flexing her fingers. The wave of this newly surfaced sexual desire washed through her. Quieting the chaos. It was as if her body and her brain realized there were other thingsto feel. Remembered things like pleasure and joy. She did close her eyes then, against tears of relief that she hadn’t completely died inside and been left with only the capacity to survive at the basest of levels.
    In the background she heard a snarl and opened her eyes to watch the last moments of this beauty between Julian and Vincenz. Heard Julian’s moan. “Gods, yes, yes, right there.” He hissed and then Vincenz’s posture straightened as he cursed.
    “Can’t last. Gonna blow.”
    And then he pushed in a few more times and with a long moan, stilled for several moments before pulling his shirt off and cleaning Julian up. They stood, face-to-face, smiling. They had something, and instead of envy, she was grateful to see it. Grateful to know such connection existed still in the world after she’d been in the dark for so long.
    They moved into the washroom, still talking quietly, only now about work, she could tell.
    When they came out, she gave them a few more minutes before she began to stir loudly enough they heard and came in.
    “You’re awake.” Julian bent to kiss her. The same way he had for the time she’d been there. A brief, comforting touch to reassure her. But this time on the mouth. A whisper of a touch. And she gulped, licking across her lips and tasting him.
    His gaze snared with hers and she realized she’d probably burst into tears if he apologized.
Please, not pity.
    “There you are,” Julian murmured as if there’d been no pause and made it better. He removed the last few electrodes carefully.
    Vincenz fluffed the pillow at her back and helped her to sit up. “I bet you’d like to eat.” He kissed her temple and she scented clean sweat and Julian.
    “I’m not very hungry.” Her head didn’t feel right. It didn’t feelbad. She wasn’t in pain. But it felt as if someone had riffled through it, like a drawer of clothing. Pesch had warned her, but it left her off balance and out of control.
    Which wasn’t so very uncommon anyway.
    “You should eat. You didn’t touch your meal earlier. But if you don’t want to, at least have a cup of tea.”
    “I know you have work to do. I know where the kitchen is if I need to eat.”
    “If you don’t eat what I cook, I have less opportunity to cook. It really is about me.” Julian winked and kissed her knuckles. Sex apparently made him jovial. Watching other people have sex made
sort of antsy and sweaty.
    “Would you like me to run you a bath? You can do that first and then eat?” Vincenz used to brush the hair back from her face, but he seemed to realize she needed that veil to block out the world. So now he drew a fingertip down her jawline.
    There was so much other stuff all the sudden. Like a ship, she mentally and emotionally listed to the side. Some of the anger had gone, but the other emotions, long repressed and absent from her life in the time she was held at the lab, had

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