Eye of Ra

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Book: Eye of Ra by Kipjo Ewers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kipjo Ewers
the familiar slither to the wall on the opposite side of the room. A small circular port opened, and it stuck the end of its tail inside.
    “Wha …whatch you doin?” he stuttered.
    “I plan to provide you with the proper nourishment until you can feed yourself,” it answered.
    It pulled its tail from out of the hole as the tip transformed into a very sharp and thick needle point.
    “Whoa! Whoa!” He screamed. “What you doing with that?”
    “I intend to administer an abdominal injection to fulfill your daily intake requirement,” it answered. “The initial injection will be quite painful, and you will feel a sensation as if you’re about to urinate. I am ninety percent sure that will not happen.”
    It slithered back to him, increasing in size and length so that its tail could get into range to stick him in the gut.
    “You ain’t got to do this yo! You ain’t got to do this!” He let out a frightened wail. “I’ll eat! I’ll eat! I want to eat! I said I want to eat! Give me something to eat dammit!”
    His request halted the familiar’s injection mid-strike. The point of its syringe-converted tail hovered inches from his abdomen. It retracted its tail and shrank back down to its normal size as the cushion released him. An unnerved Laurence sprang from the pod and scrambled away, crashing back-first into a wall to get as far away from it as possible. His attention quickly went back to the familiar.
    “Please follow me; I shall guide you to the dining hall.”
    His tried to clutch his heart which fluttered within his chest as he watched it slither away. It halted at the entrance to wait for him. Lacking the strength for another altercation, he forced his feet to move, keeping a safe distance as he followed.
    ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜
    Minutes later, Laurence sat with a screwed up face looking around at an oval hall with a similar color scheme to the med bay. The table and chair were large and small round disks that detached from the floor and remained suspended in place at the required heights via magnetized polarization.
    The cause of his sourpuss was the silver bowl in front of him that contained a white milky substance with various types of chunks within it. He leaned in closer to give it a whiff, and then recoiled as the sharp stench popped him in the nose.
    “Hey yo,” he turned to the familiar. “What the hell is this?”
    “A healthy mixture of protein, calcium, grains, vegetables, and fruit which also provides H20,” it answered. “It contains the requirements for a proper diet.”
    He leaned in taking another whiff, and then dipped his finger into it. He retracted the finger with a chunk on it, and begrudgingly inserted it into his mouth for a taste. It came back out into the bowl with a wad of saliva from a grossed-out Laurence.
    “Oh hell no yo!” He choked. “This tastes like straight sweaty butt crack!”
    “I am not equipped with taste buds,” the familiar stated. “So I cannot confirm what sweaty butt crack tastes like.”
    “It takes like this!” He violently pointed. “I can’t eat this shit!”
    “I intended to inject you with the same substance.” It revealed to him. “Would you prefer the injection?”
    “No yo! If you want me to eat then I want Earth food ,” he stood up and put his foot down, as his seating floated away. “And I want out of this tin can! I need real air! You got me suffocating at the bottom of the ocean up in this bitch!”
    “As you command,” it answered. “Please follow me.”
    “Wait …what?” He stood there now confused.
    “If returning to the planet’s surface will help your mental and emotional state I will assist in the healing process. You will need proper attire before you can return to the surface. Your old attire was disposed of due to it being unsalvageable. This way

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