Everything You Want: Everything For You Trilogy 2

Free Everything You Want: Everything For You Trilogy 2 by Orla Bailey

Book: Everything You Want: Everything For You Trilogy 2 by Orla Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Orla Bailey
that, not all men can be trusted.”
    “And you’d know all about men that can’t be trusted.”
    “I would.”
    “You’re such a Neanderthal. It’s none of your business what I do.”
    “I’m a realist and I’m protecting you.”
    “Who’s going to protect me from you?”
    We glare at each other. The tension between us simmers but it has nothing to do with what we’re arguing about. I just know it. His lips compress into a tight line and his frown deepens.
    “You’re jealous.” I spit it right out. Because so am I.
    “Yes.” His Arctic blue eyes bore into mine, a mixture of trouble and desire.
    He floors me.
    I can’t believe he admitted it right out and all the fight leaches out of me. I leap at him and kiss him. It takes a moment for his rigid anger to subside enough for him to yield and kiss me back. But when he does, I know I’ve been kissed. Thoroughly. We consume each other, mouth to mouth.
    As we ease back, I look up at him. “Does this mean we can go dancing with the farm workers tonight?”
    “No.” Jack scowls at me like he’s just been played. “It doesn’t.”
    “You’re impossible.” I push myself away to go find a frying pan. I’m totally contemplating using it to knock some sense into him but I slap it on top of the Aga hot plate with a bang instead.
    “Mind your manners. Harry raised you to be a lady.”
    “You can’t have it both ways. You like to fuck me over a kitchen sink. And kiss me hot from the arms of my sexy French lover.”
    “Is this tantrum going to require any help from me to calm you down?” he asks and we both know what he’s implying.
    He’s referring to distracting me with an orgasm when I lost it in the limo on the way to the ball. I straighten, wary, but I’m not letting him get away with that. “Perhaps you need my help to calm you!” My hand tightens round the handle of the skillet.
    He smirks glancing at my weapon of choice. “What do you have in mind?”
    “Grow up. You should be apologising, not making lewd suggestions.” I turn back to the stove.
    “Let’s not argue about it.” He walks over, oblivious to any threat and caresses the bare skin at my back, sending a shiver up my spine and making me wonder if he’s about to relent. “But I’m not in the habit of changing my mind.”
    I shrug him off in irritation. Yet I hate all this tension between us. Our peace is too new; too precious to me and the alternative state of mind is only too familiar. “I’ll take that as we’re having a night in then, shall I?” I adjust the heat under the skillet and drop in a little butter.
    “Don’t let’s fight about it. I want you all to myself tonight. Is that so unreasonable?” He says it tenderly.
    He couldn’t have come up with a smarter pacifier. “Completely unreasonable,” I lie. “But I forgive you.”
    He produces an apron and hooks it over my head, tying the strings round my waist. “Frying steak wearing next to nothing is hazardous.”
    “Sharing a kitchen with you is pretty perilous too.”
    He watches over my shoulder as I warm the pan over the flame, his hands anchored at my hips. I like it when he nuzzles his chin down into my neck and I feel myself calming. Until he rolls his pelvis against me revealing another obvious hard-on.
    “It seems you’re turning me into quite the savage,” he murmurs, nuzzling at my throat and neck.
    “Yes, you, Miss Caid.”
    “It’s you who’s insatiable.”
    “Only around you. How do you manage it?”
    “I must prefer my men wild.”
    “Do you indeed?” His tone is so pensive I wonder what I might have let myself in for this time.
    Chapter Four
    I let butter melt over the heat until it starts to sizzle.
    “Fetch me some rosemary,” I say, as I rinse off the steaks.
    He rummages in the cupboard until I roll my eyes and tut. He really doesn’t have a clue.
    “Back door. Short spikey shrub. Branches look like a miniature pine tree.”
    Grinning at my

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