Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series)

Free Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series) by Samantha A. Cole

Book: Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series) by Samantha A. Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha A. Cole
dirty looks and groans were sent his way, but no one
argued. The six-man Omega team lined up with Abbott on the far end. Brody wasn’t
worried about her lagging behind. In fact, she would probably be pushing the
other guys forward. “Move out!”
    They headed for the west fence line and Marco jogged ahead to
place his hand on the security scanner which would open the gate leading to a
trail in the woods. Brody shut it again after everyone was through. With their
current business and past missions as SEALs, the original Trident team took the
compound’s security seriously. There were plenty of hi-tech measures, along
with armed guards at the front gate, and Ian’s rescued dog, Beau, who had been
trained by a company that supplied dogs to the military and private security
    Soft footfalls and the sounds of nature were the only things
he heard for the first few miles, then the heavy breathing started. It was only
0900 hours, and they wanted to get this run in before the temperatures rose
into the nineties. At least the hundred-degree marks had eased off over the
past few days. He eyed the team. McCabe, Abbott, Reese, and Knight were no
longer green, but Foster, Mancini, and Morrison still had an ugly tint to their
faces. Foster stepped to the side to puke again, but as soon as he was done he
quickly rejoined the ranks. Brody knew Ian and Devon were trying to decide who
was going to head the Omega team, Foster or McCabe, and it was going to be a
tough decision. Both men had strong leadership abilities, and where one was
lacking, the other made up for it, and vice versa. They came from two different
backgrounds—Foster from the Secret Service and McCabe from the Army Special
Forces—with both similar and vastly different advanced training.
    By the time they circled back, everyone was drenched in
sweat. A cooler of bottled water was waiting for the overheated runners in Ian’s
Oasis , the “backyard” Angie had designed for Boss-man as a birthday
present. It ran the length of the warehouses and was located between the
buildings housing the apartments and the gym. The asphalt had been removed, and
sod had replaced it, then an outdoor kitchen, multiple sitting areas, cooling
sprays, a fire pit, and a koi pond with a waterfall had also been added. There
were many nights when everyone had gotten together there just to chill.
    Each team member dropped their packs, grabbed at least two
bottles, and crashed in a seat. Marco flipped the switch to activate the
cooling spray which was tucked under the eaves of both buildings. Several
people removed their soaking wet T-shirts, including Abbott, who was wearing a
black sports bra underneath. Brody glanced at her. She was in top physical
condition and had an impressive body, but he found himself thinking he preferred
Fancy’s softer one. He’d spent many a morning jacking off to what he imagined
the delicious baker looked like under her chef’s whites. The only time he had
seen her in regular clothes was the other night. She’d been wearing a
comfortable pair of jeans, which had only enhanced her curves, and a blue
V-neck tee that had given him a teasing hint of her cleavage. The memory had
his dick twitching, and he forced the image from his mind. Now was not an
appropriate time to be getting a hard-on about the woman he couldn’t wait to
have in his bed.
    Cracking open a second water bottle, he guzzled half of it as
Marco’s and his cell phones alerted them to a message from the office. Instead
of checking his own, Brody just raised an eyebrow at his buddy who was reading
the text. Standing, Marco tilted his chin in the direction of the offices. “Ian
wants you and me in there. Something’s up.”
    Brody stood and addressed the team before following Marco.
“Hit the showers. You’ve got an hour before you’re due on Main Street for some
target practice.”
    Striding into the reception area on his teammate’s heels,
Brody shivered as the air conditioning hit his

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