Resisting The Tycoon's Seduction (The Berutelli Escape)

Free Resisting The Tycoon's Seduction (The Berutelli Escape) by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: Resisting The Tycoon's Seduction (The Berutelli Escape) by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
slightly, she knew that she was now transformed in her opinion of that activity. 
    “Don’t turn away,” he commanded as he slowly entered her , a sweet shyness emerging as she opened her eyes again. 
    Marissa was gripping his arms, unaware that her nails were digging into his bulging biceps as he easily slid into her.  Closing her eyes, she wrapped her legs around him, encouraging him instinctively but also ensuring that he wouldn’t stop.  She needed this at such an elemental level she couldn’t even begin to grasp the pain that might rip through her if he stopped. 
    “Marissa?  Are you okay?” he growled, thinking she might be hurting.
    “Later!” she cried out, arching her back to make him push deeper inside of her.  “Please, just later!” was all she could say as her hips rose up to meet his. 
    Zeke tried to be gentle, understanding that she might be tender.  But the way she was moving under him, the way she arched against him, moving her hips in that way, he just couldn’t go slowly.  He shifted his weight slightly and with one final thrust, he was fully buried inside of her.  Looking down, he noticed that she was biting her lip and her eyes were still closed tightly. 
    He lowered his chest, ignoring the incredible softness of her breasts against his hard chest as he tried to soothe her.  “Are you okay?” he asked while his fingers dove into her hair when she tried to turn her head away from him.  “Marissa, talk to me,” he urged.
    Her hands fluttered lower, sliding down his arms and then shifting to his waist, feeling the muscles even in his sides under her sensitive fingers.  “Would you mind if we talked later?” she asked with a growing sense of urgency.  “I don’t think talking is at the top of my priority list right at the moment.”
    Zeke’s eyes widened in surprise.  He’d thought she was in pain.  But the reality was, this slender , exciting woman was just in the throes of passion. 
    With that realization, he allowed himself to revel in the heat of her surrounding him, gripping him so tightly he wasn’t sure how long he could make it.  He forced his mind to start listing the capitals of each European country but then her hips moved and he almost yelled out with how good she felt. 
    “Don’t move!” he ordered her as he slid in and out of her once again.  Grabbing her hands that had been fluttering on his chest, he held them above her head, watching her face while he moved again and again, gritting his teeth to make this good for her. 
    “I thought I could touch you this go around,” she stammered, gasping when he moved his hips in a way that brought her even more pleasure. 
    Marissa thought she might have died and gone to heaven.  Or maybe it was hell because Zeke was moving so slowly, torturing her with the most incredible feelings she’d ever experienced.  She looked up at him and saw that he was holding on to his control with a very thin thread.  Well, no more, she thought to herself.  She needed him to…yes, just like that and she lifted her hips higher. 
    With that movement, Zeke couldn’t hold on any longer.  With one hand lifting her hips, he thrust into her, over and over again, the friction of her heat pushing him beyond control and he only held on until he heard her scream out his name before he allowed himself the release his body was demanding. 
    When he finally opened his eyes, he looked down at Marissa and something happened inside of him that he didn’t completely understand.  His only cohesive thought was that he knew that he wanted to do this with this woman over and over again.  “Are you okay?” he asked as he lowered himself to her side, pulling her on top of him as he slid out of her heat regrettably. 
    Marissa couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her with his question.  Was she okay?  She didn’t think she’d ever felt this okay before in her life.  Stacking her hands on top of his chest, she rested her chin on

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