Dark Goddess

Free Dark Goddess by J. N. Colon

Book: Dark Goddess by J. N. Colon Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. N. Colon
    “Don’t baby me damn it.”  She gripped my bicep hard and spun me toward her.  “You tell me what is going on or I’ll…”
    I cut her off.  “Are you about to threaten me?”
    I threw the bloodied tissue into the trash with unnecessary effort.  “Everything is fine Hartley,” I hissed, my eyes flaming.  “I just need to go back to the Underworld.  It’s my domain.”  I motioned my hands in the air.  “Not here.” 
    She wasn’t even fazed by my anger.  “Well, let’s go.”
    “No.”  I leaned down.  “You need to finish your classes and then do your homework.”  I would love for her to come with me, but I needed to think.  I couldn’t do that with her distracting me.
    Her mouth hung open.  “Who the hell do you think you are, my father?”
    I ignored her.  “Just stay here.  I’ll be back for you tonight.  Call me if you feel the pull.  Or Hermes.  Not Zeke.”
    Before she could say another word I disappeared in a ball of flames.  She was going to be pissed next time I saw her.

Chapter 6
    I tied black and gold ribbons around my ponytail in a neat little bow and smoothed the black tank top with Lions written across.  Although cheerleading was over—thankfully—my duties as a senior and captain were not finished.  Lastly Callie and I had to run tryouts for the following year while the other seniors taught the routines and mentored. 
    My eyes followed Darby’s reflection who was lounging on a bench in the locker room, twirling her bubblegum around her finger while she giggled into her phone.
    She’s going to be a stellar mentor.  Not.
    I absolutely did not want to be here.  I wanted to be in the Underworld, finding out what was wrong with Hayden.  I couldn’t believe that jerk disappeared on me.  I had half a mind to call Hermes to take me to the Underworld—or Zeke.  That would really piss him off.
    The corners of my lips twitched, threatening a smile.  It would serve him right.
    My smile faded, picturing the blood covering his face.  Maybe I would do it if I wasn’t so worried about him.  That was a sight I never wanted to see again.  He always seemed so invincible.  The few times I’d seen him physically hurt were when he fought gods—once with Persephone and Hercules and once with Zeke—but this was a human teenager. 
    Something was not right with him.
    Leslie and Kathryn skipped by, their arms linked.  Leslie waved, tripping on her left foot and almost bringing Kathryn down.  That girl could not walk and chew gum at the same time.  Literally.
    Darby snorted and mumbled something in her phone that sounded a lot like dumbass . 
    My eyes narrowed on the bleached blonde before coming to Leslie’s aid, gripping her arm.  “You okay?”
    She nodded, her cheeks flushing red.  “Yeah.”  She shrugged.  “You know me.”  She hugged Kathryn, almost putting the petite girl’s face right in her boobs.  “At least I have my bestie to break my fall.”
    Kathryn giggled, pushing her away.  “Yeah, but I might break bones in the process you giant.”
    I smiled at them, shaking my head.  “I’ll see you guys out there.”
    “Idiots,” Darby mumbled under her breath as they left.
    She’d been super bitchy these past few months.  It already took a lot being nice to her considering she had her tongue down Hayden’s throat a few months ago.  Of course she didn’t remember, but I sure as hell did.  Her nasty attitude didn’t help.
    “Darby,” I started, crossing my arms against my chest.
    Callie skipped into the locker room, her blonde ponytail swinging and blue eyes sparkling.  “There you guys are.  We’re about ready to start.”
    “Yeah.  I’ll be out in a sec,” Darby said with a roll of her eyes as she turned back to her cellphone.
    Callie glanced at me with a questioning expression.  I urged her on with a small nod.
    She cleared her throat and stood tall—well as tall as her tiny

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